June 30, 2012

Our Marriage: 1 Year

How can I sum up an entire year of marriage into one word?

Yup. That's all I got.

Many of us go into planning a wedding and getting married thinking or rather believing that this is the beginning of our "happily ever after". We get advice from many family and friends and even strangers. Yet we don't know how to put to good use those advices and if we don't like the advice we simply ignore it.

I'm not a fake person and I don't like pretending to be happy when I'm not. Of course that I don't let the world know my personal issues, hence them being personal. Though sometimes is nice to know that not everyone has the perfect marriage.

I remember being in Dominican Republic back in 2008 and someone telling me "marriage is not easy. That's when you really get to know your other half and you start picking out things that you don't really like in them. Even the smallest thing like not putting the toothbrush back start to bother you". I remember him saying "the first year of marriage for many is the hardest. Some people don't even make it to the first year. They give up too quickly. They forget the real reason why they got married in the first place so they give up. But I'll tell you one thing. Unless you are in an abusive relationship the worse thing you can do is give up".

This past year has been unbelievable for me. Lots of sad moments, frustration, anger, truth, disappointments. It has definitely not been the easiest let alone the best year of our relationship but one thing I can tell you is that we didn't give up. I didn't give up. I took vows and committed to be with this person in the good and the bad for better or worse and I intend on keeping my word because I don't mind having one bad year if I still have a lifetime to make up for it. And that's where many couple go wrong. They give up too easily. They're not up for the challenge. Because believe me marriage is definitely a challenge and a learning experience that only gets better with the passing years if you live and learn. You have to learn, accept, forgive, and move on. Yes it is easier said then done but it's certainly not impossible.

Yes my marriage is not perfect but I wouldn't trade it for the world. My husband has been a great man to me in past years and has won father of the year awards repeatedly for 6 years in my eyes. I would be crazy to throw away six good years due to a bad one. Or would I now? lol just kidding.

We are young and we are learning from our mistakes to live and have a great lifetime together. Most importantly we are putting God in the center of our marriage and family.

So a piece of advice to the newlywed. Just because your happily ever after does not begin the day after the wedding it doesn't mean you need to give up. One more thing. Don't compare your marriage to anyone else because you don't know what goes on behind close doors. You'll be surprise how many people pretend to have something they don't have to keep good appearance. ;)

Happy 1 year wedding anniversary love. I wish us many more years and an amazing lifetime together. I Love You!


June 22, 2012

Yaayyy for a Stay-Cation!... I guess.

I envisioned this time of year a bit differently last year and even earlier this month. First of because it is our first year anniversary as a married couple. Second, our baby boy is turning six and in my book that equals to no more expensive birthday parties like in previous years. Instead I was hoping to take family vacations where he would enjoy himself and where we can start forming new family memories and traditions. Remember my tradition post? Well not much has been added to that lol.

Sadly I got nothing but an 11 days stay-cation. Which I guess I'll admit is better then nothing. With the move to the new house, a new baby on the way, unexpected expenses here and there, and my sick and moody self lately a big vacation is off the books and would be a waste right now. Although I much rather spend the next 11 days on a beach in a tropical place with a virgin piƱa colada on one hand the smartest thing to do would be to stay local and rest up. Instead of soaking up the sun I should be soaking up my bed. Right!? :) after all, in 28 short weeks I'll be wishing I could stay home and have a couple of good night sleep lol.

So what's the plan for the next several days? I'm starting this weekend with a family night at the drive ins. I'm such a Disney freak and I'm dying to see the movie Brave hahaha. And hubby doesn't stay behind. I think we're both more excited then our son lol. Then Saturday I'll be meeting a friend for dinner and some shopping in Philly. Sunday is the usual, church and relaxing and best of all Monday is our 1 year anniversary so we'll probably go out to dinner etc. Too bad is on a Monday. The rest of of week will consist of lots of catching up with friends and hopefully enough energy to start decorating the house (all frames and decor are still in boxes. Oops) And to end this stay-cation we will be taking a drive to Ocean City, MD on Thursday for some much needed beach time and crab eating. Not that I'll be joining the rest of the family with this treat. Boo! Sunday we're having a small pool party for our son with some friends. Nothing big just some swimming, food, and cake.

Yup that sums up my stay-cation. What I'm looking forward to most is sleep sleep sleep! And not just any sleep. But normal sleeping with my family at a normal time. That my friends will be the highlight of my week :)

See. I'm not hard to please at all. I don't know what hubby talks about when he says I think I work for the travel channel lol.

Just 5 more hours to go!


June 20, 2012

3 + 1 = 4

Our family is increasing by two little feet :)

We couldn't be happier! After months and months of debating whether or not to try and after months of actually trying (kept in secret) a little miracle finally decided to grow inside of me. I can't speak for my husband but my son and I are the happiest we've been in a while.

We found out this marvelous news back on April 28th. I was shocked! I kept shaking my head saying "Now Way!, Yea Right!, Shut Up (I don't know why I was screaming shut up to a pregnancy test stick but oookkkay) lol. I of course kept it hush hush until I took 2 more test later that day and even another one the next. Then I told the hubby and we kept it to ourselves for a few more weeks until I had my first ultrasound. Then little by little close friends and family were told the good news.

I was only 4 weeks along when we found out but in reality if you count from ovulation day I was only 2 weeks along. What!?! This was def an experience. Since then I've suffered horrible horrible morning sickness usually at night, figures. I've been sleeping like a bear in the winter (hence the lack of posts). And I've lost about 5-6lbs :( but not to worry sweet peas is growing perfectly fine.

Now with two days left of the first trimester I'm looking forward to hopefully being done with morning sickness, getting some sort of energy back so that I can start enjoying the summer, jotting down weekly milestones for this pregnancy, and planning planning and more planning!!! :)

So... On this hot and beautiful first day of summer I leave you with a couple of pictures that will for sure bring a smile to your face.


June 12, 2012

Moving on to First grade!

My baby boy made it through his first year of "real" schooling. :D

I am one proud momma. He went in knowing the basics after spending two years in an early education program. Counting numbers 1-20, his ABCs, rhyming, spelling his name, recognizing lots of shapes and common words, among others things.

Now he's moving on to the first grade knowing about 100 sight words, reading at a level 6, he can draw a picture, label it, and write sentences about it. I love how he tries to sound out words to write his sentences without asking for help in spelling. He had to write about what he's looking forward to most this summer and his answer was "I'm going to maraling (Maryland) with my mom to swim in the beech (beach)". Not too bad if you ask me. At least he knows to sound it out. He just needs a bit more practice. :)

What I love most about my son is that he loves to learn. He doesn't need much motivation. Give him a pen and paper and he'll stay busy writing you a story, with pictures. Except that can drive you crazy asking you how to spell some words. Give him a book and he tries to read it on his own, again after stopping a dozen times asking "what's this word?". Just thinking about him and his will to learn puts a smile on my face. I couldn't be more blessed with this child. He's the reason I breathe. Only if he really knew how much I love him. :)

My pride and joy! He has the biggest heart. Just as he did way back when (2006).

June 11, 2012


Although this is an overly late post I just have to post it. I can't let a month be overlooked of what I would call the craziest, most challenging year of my life.

Around this time last year we were prepping to fly out in less then 2 weeks to unite our lives as husband and wife and commit to a lifelong experience that has proved to be anything but easy.

And so I leave you with this quote
"The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly". ~Peter De Vries

Happy late Eleven Months!


I'm Back

Wow it's been a while since my last post. It's been some busy busy several weeks with lots of exciting and sad things happening.

There has been some posts that I've started but not completed therefore not posted. And others that I've thought about in my mind but never started. Then there are those yummy pictures in my photo gallery that need to be blogged about. What's been going on? Well... the truth is, I've been busy, tired, sick.

Blogging helps me keep my mind on track. It helps me gather ideas and keep things organized. It helps me to jot down memories to be always remembered. It helps me release stress and speak my mind. Something I often find hard to do. Because of the shyness thing, you know. Yet somehow I've found myself to be wordless. Unable to express myself. Could it be due to recent events? Could be.

Today I'm in a better place. I feel at peace with my soul, I feel relaxed. I've learned to trust in my Lord and let His will be done because I trust that something good always comes out of everything.

"For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ". 2 Cor 1.5

Have a blessed Monday!
