Cloth Diaper: Taking the plunge

February 20, 2013

Today I had one disposable diaper left (that was done on purpose) and instead of going out to get some more I took the plunge and started cloth diapering Adrián. It's been.... umm different, similar, and weird all at the same time. So far it's been six hours lets see how well the next 24 hours go. ...

Reality Check

February 13, 2013

Hours away from being six weeks postpartum it hits me. I'm an adult. A wife. A Mother! I can't no longer come and go as I please. Yes, I've been a mother way longer than six weeks but it was only to one child. A child that was the first grandson on both sides of the family. A child who loves being at his grandmother's...

Adrian 1 Month

February 4, 2013

Dear Adrián, A month has passed since your spontaneous delivery and it's hard to accept how much you've changed already. I waited over nine months to meet you and that time seemed to have passed by so slowly and now that you are here time seems to just be flying by. Your first month check up is not until tomorrow...