A month has passed since your spontaneous delivery and it's hard to accept how much you've changed already. I waited over nine months to meet you and that time seemed to have passed by so slowly and now that you are here time seems to just be flying by.
Your first month check up is not until tomorrow (Feb 5) but it is obvious that you have an extra pound or two on you. You even seem longer to me. At birth you were so tiny that even your newborn clothes didn't fit well and now I'm changing you 2-3 times a day just so you get to wear them all. The puffiness around your eyes have almost faded away completely. Your cheeks are definitely fuller now. Your skinny arms and legs have some extra fat making your wrinkles disappear. Your neck is so strong it's just crazy. That gave us some challenge during your two weeks photo shoot. You have even started to smile and not just as a reflex. For instant, this morning before nursing I held you and stared at your face as I said good morning and you just stared back and gave me not just "a smile" but a few of them. And let me just say that you have the sweetest smile ever! It melts my heart. That right there made my day so thank you! I can't wait to see more of it in the weeks to come.
The first two weeks of your life your big brother was sick. Whether it was a fever, a cough, the flu, or a fever again it made it impossible for him to bond with you which had him very sad and a little bit jealous since you were getting so much attention while he was mostly confined in his room day and night. But now things are much better and since he got over his sickness he has been by your side every day. Whether is kissing you, admiring you, telling you just how "cute" you are and even trying to hold you. One thing that gets to him is your cry though lol. Even though you have the cutest cry he can't bare watch you cry. He gets anxious and repeats over and over again that you're a baby and need to be held all the time and need to eat a lot. He even says that if we don't pick you up he's going to pick you up himself. I pray to God he doesn't try that.
Your feedings have been great. Since day one you've latched on like a pro. Then you got lazy and made me hurt for a while by not latching correctly. Thankfully that didn't last too long. You are only breastfeed and you don't seem to mind it at all. Since I go to school some days during the week I leave you some milk to hold you until I get back and although you don't mind drinking from a bottle you certainly prefer to be fed by mommy at each feeding. Just so you know, that's my favorite method of feeding you too ;). You can take up to 3oz a feeding and sometimes even 4oz. Some days you really go in on it and nurse for 40-60 minutes every two hours. It can be a little too much but hey I don't mind it if you are getting what you want and need and I get to burn a few extra calories too.
Your sleeping has been awesome from the beginning too. The first two weeks you slept a lot. Then little by little you started being more alert by staying up longer during the day. Sometimes you can be up for 2-3 hours at a time interacting with everyone. You have an obsession with lights, oh how you love to stare at them. That calms you really quick. You don't cry much unless you are hungry, need to be changed, or just want some loving. At night you sleep up to 5 hours in a row. Thank you for that! You kind of have a routine with feeding and sleeping. Pretty predictable if I say so myself. We don't have a set bedtime routine yet, I just let you decide what you want and when, for now anyways. You usually nurse around 8-9pm and sleep until 1-2am. Then you wake up around 4 or 5. The times fluctuates here and there but the important part is that you sleep for 4-5 hour stretches at night and when you do wake up to feed you don't do a full feeding. You're more of a night snacker which isn't that bad I guess. You fall right back to sleep after a diaper change either by nursing or on your own.
I know it's too early to tell but I think you look like daddy a lot as well as big brother. You are going to have killer eyelashes like both of them with a nicely shaped eye. You have big brothers nose there's no doubt about that. And since according to me big brother has my nose that means you have my nose too. You definitely have daddy's face shape and ears. Oh god there's no mistaken those tiny ears to be just like daddy's. Your cute pointy lips are also big brother's and so is your chin. And your facial expressions are to die for! I'm assuming you are going to share some of Daddy's and big brother's personality too. So far your hair is straight when dry and curly when wet. That always changes though so more on that later. However curly hair is dominant in this family. And your eye, oh your eyes. I know I know all babies have color eyes at first but something about yours tells me that you're not going to inherit my dark brown eyes. Right now they're a brownish grey color but I know that's not going to stay I would however be pleased if you had a light brown color like daddy. Like a honey color. Unfortunately we could be looking at a full year of waiting to determine your eyes colors. Don't worry baby, in my eyes you are perfect just the way you are. And even with some changes you will still be perfect to me. There's nothing that can make a mother think and feel otherwise.
So this is how our first month together has been as a family of four. I'm looking forward on seeing all the changes you will go through in the weeks, months, and years to come. You are a precious gift from above and I will forever be thankful to be given another opportunity at motherhood again. You and your brother are my treasures in this life. Without you my life would be incomplete. My mom once told me in an argument we had "you will never understand how much I love you and care for you until you become a mother yourself" and I have to admit that once again she was right.

This is so, so precious!
ReplyDeleteThanks Christi!