This was written earlier this month but with my new schedule I never had a chance to sit and upload pictures.

Sweet baby boy. I cannot believe today makes a year of life for you. That you have been in our lives this long. Although it doesn't feel long at all. I still feel like it was yesterday I was wishing you would decide to make an entrance into this world. And today, today you have been here for 365 days. There has been so many moments of happiness for all of us. So many first. Watching you grow and develop into a handsome, funny, one of a kind toddler. Yes a toddler.

Just this week you started to walk. You've been teasing us by taking steps here and there and by standing alone for quite some time and now you walk. Walk! I can hardly believe it. Soon you'll be walking around like is no big deal. Chasing after your doggy and brother. I can tell already that this is going to be a real treat.
This month has been so much fun. We entered the month decorating for Christmas and your obsession with balls seemed to grow. You loved going to the Christmas tree pulling them off and rolling them around or throwing them far.
You are an incredibly happy baby, even after a nap. You love your big brother. This month I feel as if you too have gotten so much closer. He plays with you so much more and you interact with him so well. I even caught him inside the crib with you several times. Every morning you crawl to his room to see if he's awake and if he's not you make sure to wake him. It makes my heart filled with joy to see you too love each other this much.

We got to sign you up for swimming lessons, Yaayyy. You start tomorrow. We are so excited to see how you do. I'm sure you'll do fine because you love the water. And you did great in the ocean while we were on vacation in Puerto Rico.
You learned how to say puppy which sounds more like "pop pee" and can associate that word with the dog. You've said "agua"-water a few times although I'm not sure you realize what that is yet. You mimic a lot of the things we say to you like your name. You can say AJ so clear. I wonder if you know that that's you!
Besides walking you have learned how to go up and down the stairs. You are fearless my child. You slide off the bed and couch like is nothing. You even try climbing on your brothers bed, without success that is. You can build a tower of 4 blocks and you sure know how to feed Cookie Monster his cookies :)

My baby, this year has been an amazing one with you being a part of it. We look forward to many more amazing years and to see you develop into an active little toddler in the months to come. God Bless you child of mine, may you enjoy your special day to the fullest.
Happy Birthday Silly Boy!
Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother, and you "pop pee" King
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