Three Months

September 25, 2011

For better or worse, For richer or poorer, In sickness and in health, To love and to cherish, Until death do us part. Those are some strong words if you ask me. Nevertheless those words mean a lifetime. Something I hope to achieve with my husband. p.s. "Love like you'll never get Hurt" ...

The Lotus Tous

September 24, 2011

Do you know what that means? According to Dr. Google this means "Happy and Good Life Tips". A friend sent me this at work and I thought I'd share it. It was really sweet of her and I have to admit that I was touched by it. 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Marry a man/woman you love to...

Steven's First Day of Kindergarten

September 22, 2011

So this post is a bit overdo but hey, it's better late than never right? About 2 weeks ago my baby boy started school. I was so excited to see him go off to school and start his education, 2 weeks down 12+ years to go lol. However... this was an eye opener. My baby has officially stopped being a baby. When did...

Happy 1st Birthay Naila!

September 21, 2011

How adorable is this precious little girl?! She's my pride and joy, my brother's baby girl. She was born last year on this date and we can't believe how time has flown by. She's such a brat! yet so charming. She sure knows how to steal your heart. And I love the relationship she and my son have. Whenever they're together...