4 Weeks Postpartum

January 31, 2013

After my incredibly fast delivery I thought it would be a good idea to talk about my recovery before starting monthly post on Adrian. During my hospital stay I felt very helpless by having my nurses and techs doing everything for me. I was definitely not counting on that but I'd take it any day to have such delivery...

Adrián's Birth Story

January 11, 2013

Right around midnight on Wednesday night I started to have contractions (ctx). But it was no biggie since I've been having them since like ever. I figured I would go to sleep and if I was in real labor then I would eventually wake up from the pain. On Thursday morning when I got up I called the doctor because I was still...

Adios 2012, Bienvenido 2013

January 9, 2013

Wow! What an end to 2012 and beginning to 2013. Lots of catching up to do. Let's see, where should I start. Well at 38 weeks I had my appointment and was 3cm dilated with 50-60% effaced. I asked my doctor to strip my membrane and she did slightly. I was positive that that was going to be THE weekend. I kept contracting...