Let's see. Since I last published a post I was lost in my little world of the "what if". Since then my world has crashed over and over again. Frustration has set in and taken over but lucky for me my Heavenly Father has been merciful at the same time. Since Easter lots has happen,
1. We traveled to Dominican Republic for vacation among other things. This vacation was officially recorded as the vacation from hell. Yet at the same the it was a blessing in disguise.
2. My mother married her long distance lover. Just kidding. They've been dating over 10 years. 6 which were long distance, Wow.
3. My grandmother, the last one left and the one I had just seen 3 weeks earlier passed away unexpectedly. I will forever cherish those last memories with her.
4.I applied to be a foster parent. Say what now?… Check back for more on that.
5. My husband and I celebrated our 3 years wedding anniversary by staying home doing nada. Not even a picture for the books. Sad.
6. The next night we flew to San Diego, CA on another vacation already pre planned before my grandmother passed.
7. My firstborn turned 8 years old. Happy Birthday baby. Mommy loves you more today then yesterday but not as much as I will tomorrow :)
8. My little guy turned 18 months and is doing so much! Where has the time gone to?
9. I gained 6lbs on this vacation which I'm sure 5 were from the wine.
10. I've discover that reading devotionals and the bible, drinking coffee, and not making decisions when in doubt keeps me sane and happy.
I have a new bloggy friend. Lola @Lolasworldunveiled go check her out, you will love her! After months and months of persuading this lady to start a blog she has finally done it.
Yes lots has happened. I'm excited to be back and to have found an even greater love for blogging. I have so much to talk about :)

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