Hello 2018

January 4, 2018

Happy New Year!


I am beyond excited on starting this new year. Want to know why? Well because 2018 will be a year of lots of accomplishments, new beginnings, and lots of surprises. I just have this amazing and warm feeling that 2018 is going to be great and I'm looking forward on seeing what this year has to offer us. 2017 was a great year for sure. Personal growth, family boding, and special outings were just a few of my favorites. 

This year my goals are to continue on with some of the changes implemented last year, spend more time being present and involved and less time trying to capture a moment and uploading it to social media within seconds. I still plan on capturing the moment of course but that's where the being present and involved comes in. I've noticed that posting to social media takes away from enjoying the actual moment and that's something I want to work on this year. Like my friend Sarah over at Aloha EcoVibes says, I want to start living intentionally :)

Another big goal is to declutter this blog by removing meaningless posts from the past as well as trying to keep it up to date with special moments and thoughts that I want to remember. My goal is to post at least 4x a month which is realistic considering school still demands too many hours of my day.  That being said, I plan on writing about some of the things we did last year that I didn't have the time to either write about or post when I wanted to, as well as to continue with the My Storseries I had started last year. I was reading back on some of those posts and I loved the feelings it brought on so I definitely have to continue with those memories.

There are plenty of other goals I have in mind but I plan on introducing them here as they are completed and checked of my list so make sure you come by often to see what they are.

Wishing you all a prosperous and blessed 2018!


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