Sick Baby

October 27, 2011

There's no such thing as "worrying" too much for you child's health or well being is there? I honestly don't think so. You never really realize how much your parents love you, care about you, and worry about you until you become a parent yourself. Agree or disagree? It breaks my heart every time my baby boy gets sick....

4 Months

October 25, 2011

Boy is time flying! I can't believe today marks 4 months since our wedding day. Before you know it we will be at 6 months then 1 year. That's scary! ...

Wedding Week Recap

October 16, 2011

Over a year in the making and getting closer to the end. Yes. I'm half way through completing our wedding week recap over in "Wedding in Paradise". Its sad to say but like all things this too will come to an end. It's just a matter of time. So far I've made it to day 7. Now I will start talking about the actual wedding...

Catching Up.

October 14, 2011

Well hello there. How is everyone doing this beautiful morning? I've been busy lately adjusting to my new life as a wife, new overnight job, a son in kindergarten, 2 challenging college courses, out of control sleeping pattern (+ weight gain), and staying sane. But believe it or not I'm handling all of this pretty darn...