Breastfeeding: Low Supply Update

March 22, 2013

As mentioned on this post, I had a scare two months into breastfeeding. I know breastfeeding is not the end of the world but once you've set your mind on something and have set goals and then you realize you're about to fail or have failed well lets just say that it is not the greatest of feelings. I spoke with...

A Chocolatey Treat

March 20, 2013

What a day what a day. I've had a rough day today. From not having a baby sitter and missing my class, to being disturbed over a very disgusting Facebook post. I've just about had it and that called for a nice chocolate cake. I'm not a fan of chocolate like that. I eat it rarely and is almost never as a cake. Maybe...


March 18, 2013

Another year, another birthday. I cannot believe I'm 26 already. Where is time going? My 6 years old is almost as tall as I am and my baby sister is a teenager. When did that happen? Aside from the shock of my age these days I had a very nice birthday weekend. I wanted to keep it low key and didn't really plan anything...

Breastfeeding: My experience thus far

March 13, 2013

Breastfeeding is a strong topic among my culture. Including my family, especially my mother. From my first pregnancy I knew there was no "I can't do this" or even "it just didn't work out for me". Knowing that my mother exclusively breastfed all four of us for past the first year of life I had no excuse why I wouldn't...

Adrian 2 Months

March 8, 2013

My sweet baby, Two months later and it feels like you've been a part of our family for years. You sure fit right in. My baby boy, you have grown so much this last month and have taken on your own personality. We haven't weighted you since your one month check up and just like then I again see some extra pounds on...