Making it work

January 25, 2014

It's been three weeks now since I've started this new job. It's your typical Monday thru Friday 8:30a-5p no weekends no holidays. Sounds great right?  Well it has definitively been something new to get use to and make work with the rest of my life. I haven't worked full time or days for some years and adjusting...

Adrian is One!

January 23, 2014

(Print was purchased from SomethingLovable in etsy) My sweet baby is 1!  That Friday I got home from work and napped a bit. We stayed at my moms helping her prep for the party the next day and at 6:30pm we headed off to the other grandma's house to sing happy birthday to our sweet boy and eat some cake....

Adrian 12 Months

January 22, 2014

This was written earlier this month but with my new schedule I never had a chance to sit and upload pictures.         1.3.14 Sweet baby boy. I cannot believe today makes a year of life for you. That you have been in our lives this long. Although it doesn't feel long at all. I still...

Ooh January...

January 21, 2014

You have been quite the month haven't you. Let's recap, shall we.   (It seems we can never take a family picture at events) Ending the year 2013 I was prepping to close a chapter in my life and begin another. We had a low key Christmas and New Year's Eve with the traditional Christmas Day celebration at my...