Big Brother

February 20, 2014

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR. When the hubby and out found our we were pregnant. At nineteen. We didn't know what to do. One thing we did know was that we weren't ready to be parents. Yet with that in mind we proceeded to make the best out of the situation and become a family. Another thing we did know...

Apple Pie

February 17, 2014

Back when I hosted my very first Thanksgiving I had baked tons of dessert. I'm not a fan of apple pies but for some reason I decided to make a couple of them so I hit the web to look for a good recipe and voila, jackpot! I found this delicious recipe on and it's definitely a keeper.  For...

Good Neighbors

February 16, 2014

Several events have happened the past several week that has made me take a step back and really look at the picture at hand. I have some awesome neighbors!  We live in a town home. There are about 12 homes in our row and were right in the middle. I used to hate it at first. I just never saw myself living...

Sleepless Nights

February 5, 2014

  As if getting used to a new routine is not challenging enough, getting used to a new routine being sleep deprive makes it even harder.  Lately, or rather ever since I started my new job our youngest child has been having issues staying asleep in his crib and even with us on our bed. I knew from the...

First Tantrum

February 4, 2014

Last weekend we headed out to run errands. You know, grocery shopping and house cleaning supplies as well as a few things for Super Bowl dinner at MILs. We only had AJ with us and it was getting closer to his nap time which I knew we weren't going to be home for. As we walk in to the store we grabbed a few snacks for the...