OCMD 2015 Part 1: Day 2

August 30, 2015

Plan for today was to start the day early by going to the beach for a bike ride. We did start the day early but not as early as MIL would have liked. The resort offers transportation to and from the beach however it starts after seven and we were out of the room just before seven. We drove both cars to the beach and...

OCMD 2015 Part 1: Day 1

August 28, 2015

 Every year for the past 10 years we have visited Ocean City, Maryland. We tend to go two times over the summer, once with MIL and once with FIL. Depending the occasion, others might join in on the fun like my mom, siblings, friends, aunt/cousins, etc. Each year is different and we never know who will  join us...

Reality Check: Speaking Like A Christian

August 16, 2015

"Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.” ― Gilda Radner The other day at...

Adrian at 36 months

August 10, 2015

Oh sweet AJ, how much fun has the last six months been. Since your birthady in January I feel like you have learned so much and are a lot more "grown". From an increase in your vocabulary to getting potty trained, it has all been a great experience. Early in the year your bedtime routine started around 830pm...

When your faith gets tested part 2

August 8, 2015

If you missed the first part of this post click here.  I took a moment to pray and ask for forgiveness for my thoughts and feelings. I turned on my radio and praised him. I asked for strength to withstand whatever was heading my way. I decided to stop writing.  ------------------------------------------------ Over...