We returned from our trip on December 2nd and from that moment on it was all about getting into the holiday spirit. I had off from work the following day and as soon as I dropped off the kids at school I headed to the store. My only intention was to pick up some red and gold ornament balls because I had lend my mother mine but with the move she could not remember where in the storage she had put them. However, when I walked down the decoration isle I came across some "rustic" style decorations in red and burlap style and I was sucked in. I've been looking for this type of decorations for two years now and could not find it locally. I did find some online but the price scared me a bit and I never bought them. Needless to say three hours and $200 later I was on my way home.
Having my mom living with us brings back so many memories from my childhood and teen years. I remember always convincing my mom to buy all sorts of stuff to decorate the house for the holidays and she would just look at me wondering what I was up to. While setting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house I thought of the many times I did this growing up. I don't have a single creative bone in my body when it comes to decorating a home or dealing with fashion but bring around the holidays and they are sure to appear. Even more now that I have kids of my own. Although my boys could really care less about the decor around the house I was very pleased with the way the house looked.

Work this month has been stressful because my work schedule is just all over the place. With my being off almost three weeks for our vacation, my mom leaving to DR, the kids going on winter break, the end of school semester for me, and holiday rotations at work I had to planned ahead and my schedule was just crappy. I'm looking forward to the first week in January being away from work to start the new year.
All of our shopping was pretty much done two week before Christmas. I have to admit though, our kids are spoil brats. We had the hardest time trying to figure out what they needed and what to buy them. With the exception of clothes, because you know that kids grow miles per day right?, they have it all. Steven Jr. ended up with a few xbox video games and a guitar as his big gift and AJ got books, some learning toys that teaches colors, letters, shapes, numbers, etc and boy am I impressed with how much my little guy knows. For his big gift he got a basketball court which I'm sure will be put to good use this coming year. They both got tons of clothes, pajamas, underwear and socks. Now we are on to saying goodbye to 2015 and ringing in the new year with AJ's 3rd birthday celebration. Let the festivities continue!

This month I was lucky enough to partake in several girls night. A friend and I tried a new Mediterranean restaurant for happy hour one evening and it was so nice. Everything from the food, drinks, ambiance, service, and talks was just perfect. Another night I met up with my cousin for another happy hour moment to celebrate my last night in class for the semester. Drinks and appetizers are always a yes in my book :). The weekend before Christmas I went over to a cousin's house for Karaoke night which I have to admit left me impressed with my skills, Not! but it was so much fun. Now whether or not I dare to try it in front of strangers is another thing but I do enjoy the singing and being able to let go in front of those I'm close to. That Sunday I hosted a taco night in our home. It was originally a girl's night but then it turned in to something bigger and came the day of few showed. Or I should say, only those that mattered showed. I was a bit upset because I made so much food but it was a good time either way so I let it go.

Before my mom left to DR we had my nieces over for some quality time and well, I just love them so much! I love having a house full of kids, especially kids that are the new generation, kids that are my nieces and nephews, and second and third cousins. I love the way my boys and nieces interact with each other. I love to sit and watch everyone play, get along, argue, and fight. It takes me back to my own childhood and I can't help but to think ahead into the future and wonder how their lives will be. Whether they'll be close to each other or stay in town like us, what career path they'll take, how many kids will they have, will they gather and try to keep the family together like us. So many questions pass through my head as I sit back and watch them interact but at that moment, the only thing that matters most to me is that they are together, healthy and enjoying life.

On December 17th Steven had his last concert of the year. He has been in El Systema since January and he has gotten so good at playing the viola and reading music notes. I'm so proud of him! Last time I met with his music teachers they told me how much he has improved and how he was one of one the top violist in the class. They divide the kids into groups depending on how well they play their instruments for teaching and concert purposes I suppose and he's on the highest group. On his October concert, which I missed, he even had his own solo moment. Talk about proud parent moment :)
This rounds up my December update. Like always, I have tons of things to blog about but never find the time to sit and write them and then the month comes to an end and my posts go out the window. I really hope with my time away from social media I find more time to write and document 2016, the last year of in my 20s! 8-O

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