Our First Trip To Europe

April 25, 2019

Once upon a time I dreamed of taking a trip to Europe. There was also a time when I dreamt of graduating from nursing school by my thirtieth birthday. But as we know, life doesn’t always turn out the way we imagine it to be. Which can be a blessing in its own way of course. 

I thought. Maybe I can plan on doing a Europe trip as my graduation gift! And so I began to play with the idea and bringing hubby aboard. He wasn't for it much though saying, the kids won't enjoy that kind of trip Pam. I asked their opinion and he was right, they weren't interested at all. But come on, what 6 and 12 years old would? So we did a California trip instead with them. After ending up pregnant in the Fall I just knew a trip to Europe would be out of the plans for a very long time. Unless... I made it a couple's trip ;)

Europe Trip

I played with the idea. Consulted my OB about it and when I got the okay I decided to not only make it a graduation/birthday gift to myself but to also make it a “Thank You” trip for hubby for supporting me so much over the years (mainly financially). And while we were at it it would also count as our Babymoon 😁 it was perfect!

I started my research, gathered itinerary ideas, created a budget plan, etc. Once we got back from our Cali trip I booked flights and a few weeks later I booked our hotel rooms. At this point hubby had no idea! I know I’m crazy! Hahaha. Don’t get me wrong I was nervous. Nervous of his reaction because I knew Europe was not on his plans or the near future for him and two well, who wouldn’t be nervous. Europe was definitely out of my comfort zone. It was a lot different then booking a trip to the Caribbean or a place where we at least spoke the language. But I kept on with the plans. After booking the flights there was no turning back.

I had planned to surprise hubby with the trip news and details for Valentine’s Day. A couple of weeks before that however hubby started to talk about starting the process for house buying. We had been saving up since I started working as a nurse. All my paychecks were going to savings and we continued to live like we did prior to my finishing school like that extra income didn’t even exist. But that’s a topic for another day my friends. And so I started to really freak out about hubby’s reaction on my Europe splurge. I honestly didn’t spend much on flights and hotels. I found pretty good deals and I was sure it wasn’t going to affect our saving plans at all, I had it all figured out it was just a matter of having hubby see it the way I saw it 😆

All in all I have to say that I expected his reaction to be more “shocked” or maybe even a little bit more excited, crap I would have even taken a little angry emotion. His actual reaction was that of “playing off being shocked”. He definitely questioned me a lot about what was I thinking but I know my hubby and He didn’t react like I thought he would. Deep down I have a feeling that he knew. There was the possibility of someone I had told my plans to telling someone else and that someone else could have told him. But whatever it is what it is 🤷🏽‍♀️. 

Now we’re back from our trip. It was amazing! I loved it more than I thought I would and I am very happy to inform y’all that hubby is now a pro Europe guy and we’re already planning our next Europe trip with the boys! And of course the new babes. I can honestly say that he genuinely had a great time and loved it just as much as I did.

Now, you must be wondering what European countries did we visit? Well friends our first Europe trip included Paris and Barcelona. So make sure to check back in for the details and our experiences there. I cannot wait to blog about it all!

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