Our Marriage: 1 Year

June 30, 2012

How can I sum up an entire year of marriage into one word? Wow! Yup. That's all I got. Many of us go into planning a wedding and getting married thinking or rather believing that this is the beginning of our "happily ever after". We get advice from many family and friends and even strangers. Yet we don't know how...

Yaayyy for a Stay-Cation!... I guess.

June 22, 2012

I envisioned this time of year a bit differently last year and even earlier this month. First of because it is our first year anniversary as a married couple. Second, our baby boy is turning six and in my book that equals to no more expensive birthday parties like in previous years. Instead I was hoping to take family...

3 + 1 = 4

June 20, 2012

Our family is increasing by two little feet :) We couldn't be happier! After months and months of debating whether or not to try and after months of actually trying (kept in secret) a little miracle finally decided to grow inside of me. I can't speak for my husband but my son and I are the happiest we've been in a while....

Moving on to First grade!

June 12, 2012

My baby boy made it through his first year of "real" schooling. :D I am one proud momma. He went in knowing the basics after spending two years in an early education program. Counting numbers 1-20, his ABCs, rhyming, spelling his name, recognizing lots of shapes and common words, among others things. Now he's moving...


June 11, 2012

Although this is an overly late post I just have to post it. I can't let a month be overlooked of what I would call the craziest, most challenging year of my life. Around this time last year we were prepping to fly out in less then 2 weeks to unite our lives as husband and wife and commit to a lifelong experience that...

I'm Back

June 11, 2012

Wow it's been a while since my last post. It's been some busy busy several weeks with lots of exciting and sad things happening. There has been some posts that I've started but not completed therefore not posted. And others that I've thought about in my mind but never started. Then there are those yummy pictures in my...