Sadly I got nothing but an 11 days stay-cation. Which I guess I'll admit is better then nothing. With the move to the new house, a new baby on the way, unexpected expenses here and there, and my sick and moody self lately a big vacation is off the books and would be a waste right now. Although I much rather spend the next 11 days on a beach in a tropical place with a virgin piña colada on one hand the smartest thing to do would be to stay local and rest up. Instead of soaking up the sun I should be soaking up my bed. Right!? :) after all, in 28 short weeks I'll be wishing I could stay home and have a couple of good night sleep lol.
So what's the plan for the next several days? I'm starting this weekend with a family night at the drive ins. I'm such a Disney freak and I'm dying to see the movie Brave hahaha. And hubby doesn't stay behind. I think we're both more excited then our son lol. Then Saturday I'll be meeting a friend for dinner and some shopping in Philly. Sunday is the usual, church and relaxing and best of all Monday is our 1 year anniversary so we'll probably go out to dinner etc. Too bad is on a Monday. The rest of of week will consist of lots of catching up with friends and hopefully enough energy to start decorating the house (all frames and decor are still in boxes. Oops) And to end this stay-cation we will be taking a drive to Ocean City, MD on Thursday for some much needed beach time and crab eating. Not that I'll be joining the rest of the family with this treat. Boo! Sunday we're having a small pool party for our son with some friends. Nothing big just some swimming, food, and cake.
Yup that sums up my stay-cation. What I'm looking forward to most is sleep sleep sleep! And not just any sleep. But normal sleeping with my family at a normal time. That my friends will be the highlight of my week :)
See. I'm not hard to please at all. I don't know what hubby talks about when he says I think I work for the travel channel lol.
Just 5 more hours to go!

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