25 Weeks

September 28, 2012

How far along? 25 weeks Total weight gain/loss: +7.5 I'm gaining weight fast! Grow baby grow :D Maternity clothes? Not officially. I can tell you the my normal shirts are either too tight or fit like a belly shirt but I have a few that stretch good enough to keep me from shopping maternity or a bigger size. Stretch...

23 & 24 Weeks!

September 21, 2012

  How far along? 23/24 weeks Total weight gain/loss: +5 although by this time I should have gained between 16-19 lbs and my doctor made sure I was aware. She's not too happy with me but seriously what can I do? I already eat all day everyday and like a guy! She said I'm measuring right where I need to be its just...


September 11, 2012

Today don't forget to take a moment to bow your heads and think of all those people that lost their life in the horrendous day 11 years ago. Let's show our respect and honor all those brave men and women who put their own life in danger and even lost their lives trying to save innocent people. And let's not forget the...

Nursery Layout/Painting

September 10, 2012

More on baby topics and here's the "planned" nursery layout. This room was used as an office/computer room or so we had planned on. But by the time we moved in I was already expecting so we knew this would become the nursery later in the year. In the meantime we used it to store unopened boxes, as a storage space, and...

Cloth Diapering part I: The Debate

September 8, 2012

For several years now I've heard parents talk about cloth diapering their kids. I, of course, was intrigued by it and read a few blogs about it but never really paid much attention to the details. I didn't understand what the big fuzz was about. I mean did they really understand what they were getting themselves into?...

22 Weeks!

September 6, 2012

How far along? 22 weeks Total weight gain/loss: +5 Maternity clothes? Not yet. I actually just unpacked my jeans box and most of them fit like a glove. This week shirts have def gotten a bit tighter but looks very cute. I don't know if to buy some a bigger size or suck it out until the cooler weather because I have...

Back to School: First Grade

September 4, 2012

The first day of first grade has been worse than the first day of pre K and Kindergarten combined. Could it possibly be because I wasn't able to take my baby boy to school, kiss him goodbye, bless him and wish him a good day? I am a ball of emotions and these hormones are not helping. I feel such sadness deep in my...

Happy Birthday...

September 1, 2012

to the love of my life. May god continue to bless you and our growing family! xoxo Pamela...