Spring Bucket List

April 23, 2013

Spring has been here some time now and I have lots of things in mind that I'd like to do, like those in my bucket list. What do you have plan this spring? ...

Shrimp Zesty Quinoa

April 22, 2013

For months now I've been wanting to try Quinoa and today that day finally came. I had several recipes pinned and bookmarked so I went through it all and came up with this plate. It was a big hit with the hubby, so much so that he don't mind having it for dinner twice a week. Jackpot! my salad making days are over, Hallelujah. Ingredients: 2...

Note to self

April 21, 2013

Dear Pame, Today was your first Mary Kay party and fyi it was scary! You were not ready and basically jumped in too fast. You need to pace yourself because if you don't you'll just be setting yourself up for failure. As you well know you are a BIG procrastinator and in order to succeed in life you need to set yourself...

Marriage is hard...

April 18, 2013

But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I don't care what anyone says or pretends to be, marriage is hard and it takes a lot to not give up. I feel as if you are tested more once you are married and is no fun. As a teenager I fantasized on how married life would be. Today I can honestly say that this is another full time...

Just Because... Mary Kay

April 14, 2013

 Call me crazy but I started my own business with Mary Kay as a consultant. As I sit around thinking about what I just did I wonder if it was a good move. I mean I'm not the most social or talkative gal. As mentioned many times before I'm very shy and this kind of job requires me to be the complete opposite. As...

Dedication Is Key

April 9, 2013

In order for you to succeed at something you need to be motivated and dedicated. Not only that but you must "want to" do it not just "need to". I've found that if I'm motivated to do something no matter what gets in my way I don't give up and that makes me very proud of myself. Lets take for example breastfeeding. My...

Date night gone bad

April 6, 2013

What a night. Is a proven fact that once kids enter a marriage if you don't take out time for you and your spouse things can start going downhill without you even realizing it. In our case daddy is always working and mommy is taking care of the home, the kids, her school work, and has recently returned to work....

Linkin' Up

April 4, 2013

More adventures are headed my way. I've been blogging for almost two years now and although this blog is a public blog I haven't really "branched out" to meet other bloggers or share my life with other readers. I've had my reservations with this because you never know who you'll find out there and people can be Mean!...

Adrian 3 Months

April 3, 2013

Adrián, It seem like it was just last week when you were living inside my body. Being comforted by the sound of my heart beating. Getting nourished by what I ate. Being formed to the precious little boy that you are today. And today here you are, growing and learning more and more each day. This month...