To distinguish what is from what month I'll be making some paragraphs into italic. That been said, if you're reading words in italic that's from my post at 15 months and if the words are regular font that's from 18th months.
You are an amazing toddler Adrian. The perfect balance to your 7 going on 14 years old brother. You are so silly and have a great sense of humor. Laughing from your belly can make a bad day disappear in a second. You're just a funny toddler. You take everything as a joke. Something as simple as hearing animal sounds or taking the cotton made bunny tails off the bunnies makes you laugh so much that it makes us laugh. You are also so ticklish. That's definitely a mama' inherited gene. I love how easy it is to make you laugh which then changes my entire attitude about the little things in life.

You can walk much better now. Pretty much run from point A to point B. You go up the starts without fear. You haven't mastered going down yet but if you're on the third or fourth step you can easily get back down. You can bend over to pick up objects on the floor without shaking one bit.
If I though you ran at 15 months I had no idea what a running toddler looked like. Now you can really run and not just that but you can do an actual jump, dance, and imitate our feet.
You recognize what some objects are used for. Like a toothbrush and comb/hair brush. You know the difference of one being used for your mouth and the other for your hair. You can drink from an open cup as long as there's not a lot on liquid in it. Otherwise you start out good and end up with the liquid all over your self. You like talking on the phone and love the sound of a ringing FaceTime call. Anything shaped rectangular you use as a cell phone. I find that to be hilarious. You pretty much have your own conversation alone.
Your vocabulary has increase a lot. You can say a little over two dozen words and identify if it's an object or person. Some of the words/names include pollo, AJ, bye, hi, oh oh, ball, dog, puppy, mama, dada, hat, leche, peas as in please. Of course that when I would want to point them out they don't come to mind at all. You can use them all so well when you are trying to communicate. You understands so much too. There have been times when we say thank you and you'll say "you're welcome" in your own gibberish that is but clear enough for us to understand what you are trying to say. You swear you are having a conversation with us at times. You'll call me, "mama". I'll say "yes AJ". Then you will gibberish away. It goes on and on for a while. So funny. You use pointing a lot to ask for what you want and don't want.
One thing I do love is how well you understand English and Spanish so much. I can speak to you in either language and you respond to both without an issue. I hope we continue to make our native language a part of your learning. Is a great skill to have as an adult.
Lately however I've been noticing that you are understanding more of the English language and are pulling away from the Spanish. I should really focus more on speaking Spanish to you and your bother. It's just so easy to speak English when that's the language that we use 90% of the time.
You are so much more into books now. You go and pick the ones you want to read. Some of your favorites are animal books and texture books. You love to rub your fingers on the "hair" on the dog or the soft surface of a shoe and even the sticky part of jelly on a toast.
You can shake your head no but don't quite say the word no just yet. No complaints here. When you don't want any more food or milk or anything else you push it away.
Ha! That lasted long enough. Even before you reached the 18 months mark you started to use the word no. "No! no no no," has definitely been your most used word lately.
You are also a climber buddy. You love to climb on top of things or people. You are always climbing on the couch trying to reach the light switch to switch it up and down. You try to climb on your crib go get out and get on the tip of your toes to reach the light switch when you don't want to go to bed.
Yup this is still going on around here.
You have a total of 6 teeth now. And four molars. They actually just erupted no more then two weeks ago. It was very frustrating for all of us. I couldn't figure out what was the matter with you. Why all the crying and bad nights. All I was able to tell was that your cry was that of being in pain which was a mystery because although it crossed my mind that you could be teething I just didn't see any red or swollen gums. One night after two hours of crying I decided to rub some oragel and surprise surprise. There they were, just making you as uncomfortable as possible. I felt the one that had already erupted and the other three where just very very swollen. In the verge of erupting at any given time. After the discovery of the source of your troubles it seemed like things have gotten better. You are sleeping much better now and went back to being the funny and mischievous AJ that we all know and love
Now at 18 months you started to teeth again and finally got two more teeth in the bottom with the last four canine teeth on their way as well. The top two canine are already out we're just waiting for the bottom two. This time around it wasn't as bad as with the first molars, thank heaven.
You are your brother's brother in this department. We've been blessed with two kids that are not picky at all when it comes to eating. You have tried pretty much everything and I can't even think of one thing you do not like. From veggies to fruits to green smoothies you love it all. Some things you still find unpleasant to eat, like celery sticks but spread some peanut butter on it and that's a different story. This summer is going to be so much fun experimenting with lots of fruits. You've tried nuts and love peanut butter. Spaghetti and soup has got to be your favorites though. Bananas and tangerines are also faves in your book. Pancakes, eggs, and cereal with milk are your favorite for breakfast. You still cringe at the taste of meats but you deal with it most times.
I spoke too soon. Is a phase I guess. You have your good and bad days. Lately I've just been going with the flow, I serve you whatever we're having for dinner and if you end up not eating it we simply make you something else that you like. Things at the top of your list right now are mac and cheese, pancakes, chicken nuggets, cereal with milk, my famous banana smoothie, rice and bean for sure. You could eat that for breakfast lunch and dinner if we gave it to you. You also love pasta and pizza, another mommy inherited thing :). Your least favorites are meats unless its chopped so small that you can hardly notice it or you won't eat it, eggs, and corn. You like most fruits and veggies it all depends what your tastebuds feel like on certain days that you get overly picky.
Cloth Diapering:
We're still at it baby boy. We've made it past the year already and I'm so proud of us! Many doubted we could do it. They said you wouldn't have it and that I would chicken out just weeks into it. Don't get me wrong, I almost did when you would get your explosive episodes multiple days in a row but thankfully I didn't and here we are. Fifteen months later here we are, still going at it. Stronger then ever. Kuddos to us!!!
Yea I spoke too soon on this as well. Hahaha. After our trip to DR in May I thought about taking a break from cloth diapering. Mainly because of the wash. I was getting so fed up having to go down two flights of stairs to wash diapers especially later in the evening when I was tired of working all day, cooking, and cleaning the dishes. At nine o'clock the last thing I wanted was to wash diapers. I let simplicity get the best of me and two weeks before our Cali trip we started disposable diapers. I keep saying it's only for the summer and that soon I'll start up again. We'll see how that goes.
Brotherly Love: You and your brother have such an amazing bond. I can't get enough of it and I'm sure I always talk about it when I get the chance. It's so much fun to see you too interact the way you do. He comes down to your level and play with your toys as well as bring you up to his and let you use his controllers so that you could pretend play with him. I say I have the best of both worlds by having a grade school child and a toddler. It can get hard at times to meet your independent needs but it's sure not impossible.
This bond is just getting stronger and stronger over the months. You try to say his name but it sounds more like you are calling him "Ean". The first thing you do in the mornings is go to his room to see if he's up and if he's not you start to shout his name "Ean, Ean! (Insert some gibberish here) Ean! Is the funniest thing. And vice versa if he's the first one up he'll come to you and "stare"at you till you wake up, I honestly think that he wakes you up purposely but I haven't caught him just yet.
Eighteen months already my sweet baby. It doesn't feel long at all since we celebrated your first year of life and now here you are breezing through the second year. Slow it down a bit will you, we want to enjoy you being small a little longer.
We love you sweet Adrian.
We love you sweet Adrian.

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