I have so much plan or the coming weeks and months. For starters check out our Fall Bucket List.

Exciting right!
Obviously the tailgating is an adult only event. We did it last year for the first time with cousins and it was such a great time. This year we're going to see the biggest game of the year, Penn State vs Ohio State. Is a night game and I was told an all white game. I don't know what to expect but I am very excited!
I'm looking forward to recreate a picture we did with the kids last year at the pumpkin patch and to take AJ to Halloweekend at Dorney. It will be so much better then last year since he didn't quite understand hat was going on being only nine months old.
I've been wanting a Fall photo shoot since like forever and my plan is to get it done this year. I'm already in the works for booking it with our local photographer for the end of the month. I just want to make sure that we get a great day with beautiful scenery. Even tour dog is participating in this photo shoot. :D
I don't decorate for Halloween per say but I've been eyeing these Pinterest inspired door decorations for the rooms on the second floor. I want to decorate them while the kids are asleep or while they're out of the house so that they may be a little surprise when they see it. I wonder how AJ will act. hahaha
I'm so lucky to live in a state where I have the best of all seasons, this time being Autumn.
Happy Fall!
***I have a new bloggy friend. Lola @Lolasworldunveiled go check her out, you will love her!***

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