Our Marriage: 4 Years

June 25, 2015

It has been four years since our beautiful wedding in Dreams Punta Cana. If you'd ask me then what I envisioned my marriage to be like I would have said something like a "happy ending". Little did I know that our marriage would be anything but a happy ending. Instead it was the beginning of a journey, one that...

I did it! We did it!

June 23, 2015

If my memory serves me well I'm pretty sure that for the past 2.5 years, since AJ entered our lives, I have yet to have an outing with the two boys alone in a public place. Don't get me wrong yes I've been out with them both to certain places especially when AJ was only a few months but today was different. Today we took...

Mom-Son Summer Reading Challenge

June 22, 2015

I'm really excited about this!  I always try to find ways to bond with my big guy. I don't want him feeling left out because his little brother requires so much attention still and at the same time I like to be as involved as possible in his education. Reading is something I like to do but find that "I...

I want to see what people see

June 19, 2015

When you have strangers stoping you to let you know that you are beautiful and compliment you on your features, work, etc it leaves you no choice but wonder what it is that they are seeing in you. I don't know if many can relate but this is how I feel.  Confession. I've always struggled with my looks. It was...

Random Facts About Me

June 15, 2015

When I was 5 years old I felt down my grandmother's roof in the Dominican Republic. You're probably wondering what was a five year old doing on a roof but in DR there are no rules on where a child can play and her roof was "our chill spot" back then. It was only one story high but that was one hard fall. I ended up having...

Things my job has taught me

June 11, 2015

First of all and most importantly, Treat others the way you want to be treated.  This is something that has stuck with me since middle school but I never undertood its true meaning until years later. Even today I think back and remember that saying. You see, at work (and in my every day life) I try to be nice...