May 2nd was my first day of nursing school. It was very interesting because it took my back to first days of previous school years where even though we were in class a full day not much was done. Yes on this day we jumped right in to lecture but by 11am I was out of class which was not what I expected at all. I do want to share though that unlike previous first days of school I actually felt comfortable. I got put on the spot about my name and how I got Pam from Orquidea but I didn't get nervous, hot, and red like back in high school. I really did feel like I belong and that felt so good.
By this point our kitchen was 90% done with only minor details left to complete and that was also an awesome feeling because I really wanted it to be finish before class started. Here's a sneak peak of that!

Cinco de Mayo rolled around and for the first time in years I was able to actually celebrate it at home. I had my mom shred chicken for me so that we can make tacos for dinner and I made my famous pico de gallo inspired by Pioneer Women. The hubby and I talked and we decided to make frozen Margaritas too that night. We invited a few friends over and it was time well spent. I have this quote in my kitchen that says "We do not remember days, we remember moments -Cesare Pavese" and boy who ever wrote it couldn't be more right!

Our microwave was installed and the last of the back splashed was put in leaving the kitchen 95% done. This really made a difference. It was now time for some decor and reorganizing the cabinets and drawers :)
The beginning of grilling out started.
A couple of weeks into school we started clinical and that was exciting! more on that to come on a separate post.

Some more Snapchat face swap fun hahaha gosh this was weird.

Lots lots lots of margaritas were had. Lets just say that it was enough to change the number on the scale. It wasn't a lot but it sure feels like it and I honestly cannot pin point if its due to the margaritas or the actual food. I'll have to keep a tab on it but for now lots of time in the gym will be spent. I've tried to go at least 3x a week and so far so good. Some weeks I've made it the three times while others only two but what's important is that my body is getting used to it and craving it more and more. With summer weather, beaches, and a wedding to come I can't afford to weight as much as I did while pregnant and not have "I'm growing a baby inside me" as an excuse available ;)
We started planning my cousin's bachelorette party for July to be held at Ocean City, MD. I'm really excited for that! Also her bridal shower is this month and she's doing a fantastic job with the details. I'm really excited for that too.
We ended the month honoring those who have served our country by grilling out and enjoy family time in FILs pool. Lots of food, piña colada, and margaritas were had. I love how hubby's family are always doing family activities to keep the family together.

It's hard to believe that we're adults ourselves now and pretty soon it will be up to us to maintain the family. It's a bittersweet feeling. There are 5 grandkids now and to think that this is only the beginning is both exciting and scary, gosh, we're really adults now with our own little families!

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