Christian One Month

October 3, 2019


My sweet Christian, 

You are two month young already and my mommy heart is so full of love. We believe that you will be the last baby in this home and I want nothing more than for time to pass by as slow as possible because I want to enjoy every second of every minute of every hour with you. Baby boy I will never be able to express in words how happy I am that you are ours. 

Being a mommy to your big brothers I felt prepared to welcome you, love you, and care for you just as I did for them but you have surprised me so much in so many ways. You are perfect in every way Christian. Day after day you seized to amaze me. How did I ever wish for a baby girl when God knew that you were exactly what we needed, what I needed. 

Your first week home was both a beautiful bliss and a challenge as we struggled to adjust to life with a newborn, breastfeeding correctly, and making sure your big brothers didn’t feel left out but also being super protective of you. We came home shortly after twenty four hours and you started to lose weight rapidly. You dropped to 6lbs 3oz from 6 lbs 14oz and being that you weren’t back at your birth weight at one week old brought many concerns. It literally took two full weeks for you to gain weight and still you were a few ounces shy of your birth weight. We were very close to having to start you on formula which brought some sadness to me. Thankfully that was not necessary. 


As the weeks went on and you and I bonded and worked on perfecting our feeding sessions things got easier. You for the most part had your own little schedule. I didn’t catch on to it till you were far into your fourth week. You fed every two hours and woke up twice over night. You were sleeping up to four hours stretches which was awesome but not too good due to the weight issue. You literally only cried when you were hungry or had a dirty/wet diaper. 

By the start of your second week of life your belly button stump had fallen out. And by week three you were out on a bout ride. I didn’t take you out much. The heat was insane so we spent a lot of times indoors. You take 3mls of milk when I feed you via bottle, which by the way you are a champ and taking both the bottle and breast. 

Your brothers are head over hills for you. They love you so much Christian, if you only knew. They both come running as soon as you start to cry and they demand I hold you, feed you, change you, or just make you stop crying ASAP! Not because they’re annoyed but because the can’t stand to see you cry regardless the reason. It is both the cutest and most frustrating thing because they don’t give me a chance to figure out which of the above is the reason that you are crying for. But I get it. They love you just as much as I do. 

Your daddy is head over hills for you too. I love watching him interact with you. He seriously is the perfect daddy. I couldn’t have picked a better daddy for you and your brothers. 


You are the youngest on both sides of the family and you have won everyone over. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. They all love you so much and come visit you all the time. It has been a busy month for sure. 

You love to be taken out to the porch and being rocked on the swing. You are super alert and love looking at your surroundings. Bath time is another favorite. You would cry at first but after several baths you just lay there loving the water. You dislike being put in your car seat and car rides are a hit or miss. You like the car ride for the list part, is being in the car seat that you are not to fond of. You spend a lot of time on my chest. Many of your naps are spent there. Grandma says to stop letting you nap on me, that I’m spoiling you but I can’t help it. I know how fast this stage goes by and I don’t want to miss a second of it. So I’ll deal with those bad habits because they will soon be short lived. 

At your one month check up you were 9lbs   1oz and 22in long. You got a vaccine and you were not happy about it. And everything else was great. Oh and can I just say how much you resemble your brother Adrian at your age! You two are like twins, seriously. 

Happy One month baby boy. We love you so much and are so excited to have you be the missing piece to our puzzle. 


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