We’re Homeowners!

October 1, 2019


2019 has been so good to me, to us. From traveling to Europe, to being pregnant with our third baby, to buying a home. Can this year get any better?!

So yeah, we bought a home. 

We had plans to do so for a few years now but we wanted to wait till I had finished nursing school and had worked and saved a pretty penny. Plan was to start looking in April, after getting back from Europe but there were some things that we needed to do behind the scene prior to. After those things were settled we started to work with a bank and a realtor.

He started to actively look for a home in late June. We literally saw 3 to 4 homes every other day for several weeks. I was worried that this process would take a long time as I have seen it happened to others so I wasn’t really expecting to find a house that quickly but I was really hoping we did. We put in offers on about four homes including our current one. I was so close on giving up because I was frustrated at how expensive the homes were and the homes that I did like we’re out of our budget or had crazy taxes. Then those that were in budget were not what we wanted and had a lot of work to be done. 

When we came across our home I wasn’t too thrilled about it. Matter of fact, hubby never showed me this home before booking a showing. I knew about it right when we drove into the drive way. I wasn’t impressed. But after walking through it I had fallen in love. There were some minor things that we didn’t like about it but somehow we found solutions for them even before we left the home. We ended up putting an offer right away but it wasn’t accepted. To say that we were disappointed is an understatement, I was truly torn. Then exactly 2 weeks later and after seeing many more homes we got a call from their agent asking if we were still interested. We revised our original offer and submitted it. They counter offer us, we liked what they had to say and just like that we had a deal. Those next six weeks were the longest most nerve-wrecking days of my life. I hated the waiting game. I had heard so many stories that did not end well and I was terrified that that would happen to us. I try to stay positive but it was so hard.

The week prior to closing there were so many paperwork and other things that needed to be done that I was honestly having major anxiety. Everyone always say “buy a house, it will be worth it, you’ll  save money in the long run, you won’t regret it” but they never tell you how stressful it is to go through this process. Even the day of closing there were hiccups that needed to be dealt with or the deal was off. It was crazy. Then when we were at the office signing I honestly started to have palpitations and I was sweating like I had just ran a marathon all because I was double guessing if we were really making the right decision. 

When it was all said and done we picked up the boys and headed up to the house and it all felt so right. Everything about this home felt so right. I really felt like we were home. Originally I had wanted to build a house but it was so hard trying to figure it all out not to mention that we needed a big down payment for the type of house we wanted because of course we didn’t want a cookie cutter and custom homes have the tendency to be pricey. It would had also taken a year or longer to be finished and ready for move in. So this route was without doubt the best move for us. 

Today makes exactly a week since we closed on our house. We have done a lot of painting with a couple small projects and are hoping to be moved in by next week. The house was pretty much move-in ready but we wanted to do some changes to it, like the painting, before moving in any furniture. 

The boys are super excited. We met all but one of the neighbors. We are in a cul-de-sac with about six homes. There are some children which is perfect because they are similar in age yo our boys and everyone have been super nice and have welcomed us with a big smile and kind words. 

I personally feel beyond blessed. And I look forward to this next chapter in our lives.


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