Thanksgiving 2013

November 29, 2013

Is hard to believe how much difference a year makes. Just last year around this time I was prepping myself to welcome my second baby. I had hosted my first Thanksgiving dinner. And we was in our own house that I had wished for so much on previous years.  This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at my mother-in-law's...

25 Days of Christmas

November 27, 2013

I've been feeling this holiday season for quite sometime now. And it has taken all of me to not put up any kind of Christmas decoration around the house. However, rest assure that as soon as Thanksgiving is over I will decorate right away. Probably even that night. Inside and out.  While I wait for that...

Blogging Fears

November 22, 2013

We all have blogging fears at some point in this journey. Mostly in the beginning.  We may fear "not fitting in" in the blog sphere.  We may fear that after we make the choice to put our life out there, in writing, for others to read and criticize we won't be able to take the rude comments and harsh...

Thankful Link Up: A Place & Event

November 21, 2013

A Place: After years and years of waiting to have a place of our own. A place to call our home. A place to make our home. There's no other place beside our house that I'm most thankful for.  For starter, this house was a gift. It wasn't in the best of shape but little by little it is being transform to a...

My First Football Game!

November 17, 2013

       I had been looking forward to this day for weeks. I'm not into sports at all. Never was as a matter of fact. Not even in high school. I guess with not having a dad or a male figure around (beside my younger brother)  that was into them it never really made a difference to me....

Lactation Cookies Recipe

November 16, 2013

These babies have been my everything lately. I'm sure that they are also the reason for the +3lbs I've gained. But omg are they good. And they sure do a great job at helping me lactate more. It did however take about two weeks before I saw a change in my supply. I heard of lactation cookies so many times in forums...

Adrian 10 Months

November 15, 2013

10 months already my baby. How time has flown by. It is all so exciting yet somewhat bittersweet. I remember like it was just yesterday you were still inside me. Kicking and hiccuping and growing. Now you're part of our world, our life, making everything so much better and fun. Your bottom two teeth are in....

Thankful Link Up: A Person

November 13, 2013

Marie from Candidly Marie is hosting mini-linkup on Thursdays about being thankful during this month.  Sometimes we don't appreciate what we've been blessed with be it a person, a place, an event, and so on. Not to say that just because is November, a month for giving thanks, that we should go all year without...

The end is near

November 10, 2013

I never knew how much I would enjoy breastfeeding like I do now. Even with Steven Jr. I liked it. But I wasn't able to experience it as long as I did now. And now, now I can truly say I love it! AJ and I have created such a tight bond with each other.  I feel blessed and fortunate that I was able to breastfeed...

Be Thankful

November 2, 2013

Often times we tend to complain about the smallest things in life. Things that may or may not be important. Things that we take too seriously and give too much thought too. Things that, simpy put, really don't matter. Much.  Where am I going with this?  Well today something happened to me. Not me personally...