10 months already my baby. How time has flown by. It is all so exciting yet somewhat bittersweet. I remember like it was just yesterday you were still inside me. Kicking and hiccuping and growing. Now you're part of our world, our life, making everything so much better and fun.

Your bottom two teeth are in. All within a week of each other after teething for nine months. We first noticed your first tooth on October 6. I was shocked and sort of upset since your auntie noticed it first because you bit her finger. What a way to tell her you missed her.
You've been standing on your own for quite long. No support at all. Hopefully that means we'll have a walker for your birthday celebration. Which by the way has kicked off great in the planning department. So far location has been picked and booked. Date is set. Theme picked. And a couple of DIY projects are on the making. I am so excited to celebrate your first year of life. Well I'm sure we all are but I like to think I'm just a tiny bit more excited ;)
You are still not saying much in the speech department besides the same as last month and more mama. You also babble away at everything like you understand what's going on and thinking e understand what you are saying to. But I could of swore I heard you say sit while watching TV. Kind of repeating the word. I just stood there with my eyes wide open as well as my mouth. In complete shock not knowing if I heard that right or not. I haven't heard you say it again so who knows.

You are starting to understand commands. For example when you are crawling towards something and we call your attention and say "AJ no" you stop. Or when we call you over to us you come. If we ask you to give us something you are playing with you hand it to us. And you share. Yes it may mostly be food but you willingly give it to us when we ask. Makes me so proud.
You dislike having anything on your feet or head. Hats? No way. Shoes? Are you kidding me? And socks? Lets not even go there. I get the socks. Is no help when crawling and trying stand since you keep slipping and that's not safe. And shoes, we can even say its plainly annoying to have on. I know I'd rather have just socks or slippers. But why not hats? You look so adorably handsome with them on. And they keep you warm with the chilly weather. So what's the big deal? You don't even like when others were them. If it's at reach you go straight for it pulling hats or socks off. Although sucks us a bit harder for you too pull off yourself.

You like to throw things. And what a throw you have. Be it food or your socks and shoes or toys oops there it goes. I like to think that that's your way of rebelling at this age. You can't really talk. And we don't understand exactly what you want need so to get your point across you throw things. It's def not a game. Is more you not wanting it and not eating it or leaving it on even if we beg. Oye.
We wanted to sign you up for swimming class on Saturdays with your brother unfortunately we did it a day too late because it was all booked. I hope we catch the next sign up on time. Thinking back to Puerto Rico and how much you loved the ocean and how you like bath time at home I'm sure you'll love swimming class.

Every month it gets harder and harder to take your pictures. I have to bribe you with either a cell, a toy, or food and even with all that you end up crying. That's my cue that you've had enough and I need to end it NOW. Lately I've been noticing that when you cry you put your fingers in your mouth. I find it so adorable, I don't know why. Probably because you do it to get your way, of that I am sure. You stinker.
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