Dear Baby

December 4, 2012

The anticipation of meeting you is killing me. Today is December 4th, exactly 30 days from the due date the doctors gave us for you. I really hope you come before then. Maybe right after Christmas but before New Years. Of course that I will wait until you are ready to make your debut. 4 more full week won't kill me, but it will have me anxious :) I want to hold you, kiss you, snuggle you, and most importantly see you. I love feeling you kick and move around like you're dancing bachata or even salsa. I love knowing that you are growing healthy and on track.

Today I had an ultrasound where they said that your weight is 5lbs 15 oz. kind of freaked me out a bit since they are predicting you to be about 8ish lbs or very close to it. I want to try and have a natural birth but living in me the last nine months you've probably realized I'm a punk and can't tolerate pain that well.

The last few days I've been working on your room. Setting everything up for your arrival. It's pretty much all done I just need to hang some frames with colorful prints. I hope you like it just as much as I do. Your brother loves it! I'm sure he'll be camping on the floor once you arrive lol. He's been getting used to the idea of having you around a lot more lately. You guys will be best buds. Of that I am sure. 

Mommy loves you baby boy. Sweet dreams and let the countdown begin!

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