Sweet Adrián, it brings me so much joy to be the mother of such a wonderful boy like you. When I imagined my role as a mother and what my children would be like I never would have imagined boys could be this much fun. Seeing you smile just by looking at your brother and seeing how much he loves you and helps me out with you when is only us three at home fills my heart with so much happiness that I never thought possible. I know there's a six and a half years age difference between the two of you but I promise to try my best so that that difference will not define what your relationship will be like. I trust that you both will be so close with one another regardless of any age or other factors. You and your brother are my everything.
You entered your fifth month with a cold that started a four month and lasted exactly one month. On top of the you end up with a double ear infection which required your second round of antibiotics. Luckily the antibiotics worked well and you were cleared from everything within the week. I have a feeling that you are going to be my bubble baby.
As if that wasn't enough you started suffering from constipation after we had introduced oatmeal cereal. We had some pretty rough weeks there but thankfully we pulled through, yes WE because it hurt me bad to see you strain yourself so hard. A change in you bowel movement after starting solids was what I worried about most with the cloth diapers. I didn't know what to expect but having you go through that phase of constipation was sort of a transition for what was to come next because I was able to just flush it down the toilet without making a mess and although it's not as hard anymore it is certainly not as soft as a breastfed only baby. I guess this is all kinda gross to be talking about hey, this is motherhood ;)
Six months already my sweet child. I cannot believe how fast time is passing by. The past two months have been fun with all of your development. From starting solids, to sitting up without support I just can't believe that any day know your first teeth will be making an appearance. Your gums are so swollen and I know it bothers you so much by the way you act and try to put everything at reach in your mouth for relief.
Your sleeping was so awesome just a few months ago. You would sleep anytime between 8-9p until 5am nurse for a bit then back to bed till about 7a or until I got up. However now you wake up anytime between 6-7a and usually wake up once throughout the night for a snack. Is either your way or no way. geez kid, work with me won't you. But just look at those big round brown eyes. How can I can be mad at you. You surely have me and everyone else wrapped around your tiny fingers.
As if that wasn't enough you started suffering from constipation after we had introduced oatmeal cereal. We had some pretty rough weeks there but thankfully we pulled through, yes WE because it hurt me bad to see you strain yourself so hard. A change in you bowel movement after starting solids was what I worried about most with the cloth diapers. I didn't know what to expect but having you go through that phase of constipation was sort of a transition for what was to come next because I was able to just flush it down the toilet without making a mess and although it's not as hard anymore it is certainly not as soft as a breastfed only baby. I guess this is all kinda gross to be talking about hey, this is motherhood ;)
Your sleeping was so awesome just a few months ago. You would sleep anytime between 8-9p until 5am nurse for a bit then back to bed till about 7a or until I got up. However now you wake up anytime between 6-7a and usually wake up once throughout the night for a snack. Is either your way or no way. geez kid, work with me won't you. But just look at those big round brown eyes. How can I can be mad at you. You surely have me and everyone else wrapped around your tiny fingers.
Nursing is still going strong. You feed every three hours faithfully even when you have a fruit or veggie in between. I love how you reach for my face when nursing. Like if you're trying to make out my facial features with your hands. Those sweet round brown eyes staring at me with those long lashes. And those little legs just kicking away. But boy are you nosey. When you are nursing any sound you hear makes you turn your head to the direction of it. You either pull my poor boob with you because you don't want to let go or you let it go as you turn your head but as soon as you realize us no longer in your mouth you turn quickly to grab it again. Is the cutest thing although I don't know how I'm going to deal with this when your teeth come in. Oh boy.
You've been eating solids since 4.5 months now and let me just say that you are your brother's brother. You just love that stuff. You could eat two and possibly three servings if I let you.
You haven't mastered rolling over yet, though you've rolled a few times front to back and back to front. You do love to half roll tho and you just love to watch "my baby can read". Is like your favorite time of day and that's my lifesaver because that's when I get all my chores done. I can totally see an improvement in your speech. I know I know is not like you are talking just yet but you babble so much, and scream and yell. And when your watching "My Baby Can Read" you make mimic noises as if you were repeating the words after them. And don't get me started on the songs lol, Priceless! I'm going to have to post a little video next month. You'd swear your having a conversation jajaja, I.Love.It!
You are able to grab your toys and of course right to your mouth they go. I'm sure is because of the teething more then anything. You just love to work out those arms. Anything at reach will end up in your tiny little hands whether it be a toy, food, or my nose lol. And those little legs are not far behind. You'd think you're either running a race or in a swimming competition that way they move all day long. You're going to be an active one, that's def daddy's trait ;)
At 5.5 months we had your christening. It was such a special day. The words and prayer of the pastor had my heart overflowing with so much joy. It was like a direct message from heaven to us. You are one loved little boy. Your daddy and I could have not chosen better godparents and god couldn't have picked any one else to be our second son. We love you so much AJ. You are a dream come true. Our life would be so different without you. You mean everything to us. To all of us.

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