In My Diaper Bag

July 11, 2013


Today I'm linking up with Kaitlyn from Wifessionals for her series on Preparing for a Little One.

So what's in my diaper bag? 

If you're a mother you would agree that this list is always changing, with the exception of must haves, at almost any giving point throughout your diaper bag journey. This post focuses mostly on items I have in my diaper bag now at 6 months and probably through to 9. So what are must haves? Lets get this list started. 

Must Haves

1. Diapers (in my case cloth diapers)
2. Wipes  
3. Rash ointment 
4. Extra onesies (at least 2)
5. Extra Outfit (at least 1) with socks & hat 
6. Bottles, milk, & water unless your breastfeeding. If you're breast feeding a nursing cover is a must!. 
7. Burping cloth
8. Blanket
9. Bibs (although I breastfeed this is a must for me)
10. Hand Sanitizer
11. Wet bag. This I use for dirty cloth diapers and any wet clothes we come across in our outings
12. Changing Pad


1. Shampoo, lotion, & wash cloths. I always have this in my bag for two reasons. 1) it's summer and I never know when the heat will require me to give him a cool bath and 2) some days we just don't make it home on time for bedtime routine. Usually because we're at the gmas house so I bathe him there. I have baby towels at both houses for this reason. And if worse comes to worse that extra blanket could became real handy ;) 
2. Bibs. This will depend on if you're breastfeeding or not and if you have a drooler. Bibs are small so I don't mind having at least 1 in my bag at all times. 
3. Nail clipper
4. Suction Bulb
5. Baby spoon and plate. Again you just never know when you'll need this so I rather be well prepare then not. 
6. Sun screen for the summer months
7. Toys & Books -any toy I choose to carry along will usually be in his car seat with him. That way I make sure to use it and I don't forget it places because is a permanent part of the car seat routine. Leaving behind a toy for me is like walking out the house without my keys. 
8. Baby book guide. I carry this in my bag because it has reference to the most commonly asked questions and because there I have a record of his vaccines and stats on his past doctor visits. 
9. Insurance and vaccine record. This is in case of an emergency happening while he's with a sitter. 
10. Sippy cup
11. Sling. You just never know when you'll need it. I just keep it handy around the house so that if I know I'm going out and might need this I'll quickly grab it and put it inside the bag but I try not to make it a must have because it can get bulky. 
12. Alcohol swabs, boogie wipes, band aids, lotion & tissue for me, comb/brush, etc -I keep this all in a small compartment in the front of my bag. 
13. Pacifier -as needed 
14. Teething pills, Sophie the giraffe, cold teether
15. Cereal, fruit/veggie, juice & water. This I usually put in the bag if I know I'll be out all day. 

My main focus when purchasing a diaper bag was divided compartments. I can honestly say that this was one of the last items I bought because I just couldn't find something I liked. Finally I found an Eddie Bauer at babys r us that was just what I was looking for. I didn't like the caca green color much and I did wish it was more spacious in the main compartment but I was already at 35 weeks and needed to get my bags ready so this was the lucky winner. I thought on  spending big bucks on something I really really loved but then I remembered getting multiples diapers bags the first time around and those darn bags not lasting more than three months so I decided to wait and see. This time I ended up with no extra bags and its been six months that my beloved bag has been in use and it still looks new. This was money well spent and I can't justify myself buying another bag for the heck of it. What I do suggest is starting early on searching for a diaper bag so that you end up with the colors and style you want and paying for something worth it. I say I got lucky with mine :)

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