Words cannot begin to describe how much joy you have brought into our lives. Every month I see you grow and evolve into this happy, smart, loving little boy full of life and it melts my heart. I cannot believe that we are pass the half way mark from your birth date. Soon you'll be crawling, then walking, then running, and into pre-school. Wait. Hold up. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, lets enjoy these months to come first then the years. Phew. I was ready to start bawling here. Ok back to business.
I would love nothing more than to have a schedule at work here but you're stubborn like your father and yeah. Is not happening. I mean we do have somewhat of a system going on. Although it varies day by day by your temperament.
You usually wake up when daddy wakes up if he has a late start which is between 6-7am. If you're in our room (which you usually are) then I just bring you over to our bed and feed you to try an get a few more hours of sleep. That hardly ever works. Especially when the big bro wakes up and comes into bed with us. Right away you assume is playtime and he does not help at stating otherwise. So I try to be sleek and turn on the TV for you to watch while I wake up. Slowly. That only last about 30 mins.
I usually feed you oatmeal around 10am and another breastfeeding session is at hand. We play a bit on the floor and then is bath time (is my way to get you to nap for 3 hrs) It doesn't always work but I'm hopeful. You do take a nap here and that's my time to spend with the big bro, clean, and prep for dinner. After you wake up I feed you lunch, usually a fruit and some water. Then is more playtime and running errands. You're likely to nap in the car but that's not always the case. Again, it all depend on if big bro is with us or if you skipped napped time earlier.
Sometime between 5-6p we eat dinner and we hang out waiting for daddy. Sometimes I clean up after dinner while you play with your brother or watch me from the high chair. Then at 8p is bath time again another breastfeeding session and bedtime. If its 9p and your not in bed you start getting antsy and it gets harder to put you down. Most days you sleep between 7-8 hours before waking up for a "snack" then you go back to bed. With us. This is where I'm guilty. Since you only snack I should suck it up and feed you in your rocker rather then my bed that way you go back to your crib. But no. I bring you to bed with us and you stay hooked on my boob for hours. I doubt that you feed for the rest of the night. However you are getting too used to it and are using me as a pacifier and comfort for sleeping which is a No No. We have got to stop this. For both of our sakes. And for Daddy and Grandma's too because they're the ones the pay the price when I have to work and they have to deal with you when you wake up for your "snack".
So you see. Your somewhat in a schedule. Problem is that this rarely happens. Most of the time chaos is spread all over the day and I have to strap you on me while I clean and cook or take the easy way out and drive to grandmas house to eat dinner there.
Then there are days you don't nap longer then 15 minutes or only if your in my arms. What can I say, your a mommas boy ;). Some days you eat every 3-4 hours on schedule while others you're on the boob every hour or two for only 5-7 mins. I don't mind it but sweetie you're playing with my supply. I can't even pump over two ounces because my body is all confused between working and pumping at night then a few regular days at home then pumping at night again. It's getting to me. I can feel it. So please Hun, lets work something out no?
You love to be held. You're nosey. You love to watch your surroundings or what your brother and puppy are up to. You eat like there'll be no tomorrow. Seriously. You can eat serving after serving with no issue. Food is def your favorite thing about life right about now. You take between 5-6oz bottles of BM when I'm not around. Which by the way has me worried with my not being able to meet your demand. I don't want to use formula. I really don't.
You are such a happy baby. Your laughter warms up our life. It is the best laughter ever. You laugh about anything. A sneeze. A burp. You're pretty mellow, unless your over tired and hungry.
Your development so far involve: sitting up without support. Army crawl. Waving your hands (to a song). Babbling dada. And making all sorts of sounds with your mouth. Passing object from hand to hand and putting it in your mouth. You have to be teething. There's no doubt!
I hope to get you into a better routine before we go on vacation when you're 9th month. But I'm sure that's going to be a waste since it'll be hard to stick to it after getting back. Oh well, only time will tell when you are ready. Until now we will just do as you wish. Yea, you pretty much have me and everyone else wrapped around your tiny fingers :)
I love you boys!

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