Hospital Bag

December 16, 2012

At 37 weeks and as anxious as I am to have my sweet baby make his big debut you would think I would have my bags packed and ready to go right? Yea, not exactly. I've been waiting for several reasons. One, what the heck do I pack? Two, I needed to do some research. And three, I was waiting for the semester to end because that was my way of knowing that things could really get real at any given moment.

So after some research and some lists making I think I'm ready to finally finish packing the bags. Here's what I've included in ours from the many sites I found lists at and from what was recommended in our childbirth class.

Mommy Bag
-Insurance Card
-ID/Drivers License
-Birth plan
-Childbirth/Breastfeeding booklets for reference. Once you're in the heat of the moment you tend to forget things and panic so this is my go to "person".
-Massage oils and tools to help with contractions and stay calm
-Swimsuit. Again I'm bringing this to be able to get in the shower/hot tube while having contractions to use the warm water to help my muscles relax since I'm planning on a natural birth.
-Medicine ball. I heard our hospital have 1 available but come on ONE!
-Toothbrush & toothpaste
-Hair brush & comb
-Hair clips/ties
-Lip balm
-Eye glasses & contacts
-contact case & solution
-Camera, cells, chargers
-Flip flops (for shower. I really don't like going into showers barefoot)
-Robe if you don't want to use the hospital ones.
-PJs or sweats
-Nursing bra & pads
-Underwear. I packed one pair just in case but I plan on using the hospital ones since they're comfy and disposable.
-Anti-bacterial soap & body wash
-Makeup. I packed eyeliner, mascara, and blush to get dolled up after delivery because you know darn well your visitors will be going all paparazzi on you and baby. And depending how much blood you lose you might look like a ghost ;)
-Going home outfit. I recommend something lose and comfortable. I hear stories all the time of girls wearing their pre-pregnancy jeans to go home but seriously why would you want to do that to yourself? Wouldn't you want to feel comfortable and able to move? I don't know maybe its just me but I'm packing yoga pants.
-Cash/Coins for vending machines (although they have juice, sodas, crackers, etc available in the patient kitchens in our hospital)
-Snacks/Hard candy
-Nook just in case you get a chance to read or just to keep you entertained while in L&D
***I saw a nightlight in many list but I know for a fact our hospital rooms have multiple switches for lights and some can be dimmed down so I'm not packing this.

Daddy Bag (he's sharing my bag)
-PJs/Change of clothes
-Pillow/Blanket. This is offered at our hospital for daddies but sometimes the house is full and it can get extremely cold in the rooms.
*The hubby will most likely go home and shower so I'm not too concern on things for him. Plus he has to go home to take care of our dog and take back the medicine ball.

Baby Bag
-Going home outfit x2 in case one don't fit or gets dirty. Don't underestimate the size of baby. I did with my first and I was glad I brought several outfits. Even at 7lbs 6oz he didn't fit into the 0-3 clothes.
-A couple onesies and layette (I plan on keeping baby with our own clothes instead of the hospitals little shirts)
-Burping cloths
-Sock & mitten
-Blankets (both fleece and swaddle)
-Baby book for foot prints etc
-Hand sanitizer
-Carseat with installed base
-Head support for carseat

What not to pack
These items should be provided by your hospital in large quantities. Double check if you want to make sure your local hospital does. I know mine does.

-Pacifiers. Unless you want to use your own.
-Baby socks and hats
-Receiving blankets
-Breastfeeding pump
-Lanolin (nipple cream)
-Wipes (our hospital provides dry wipes so I packed our own)
-Disposable panties
-Feminine products
-Pillows & Blankets

So this is it. My list for packing a hospital bag. I hope you find it as useful as I did and feel free to comment and add things I might of forgotten. Good Luck!


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