Anyways. Enough venting, lets get to business. This was the highlight of my October Staycation :)
1. Being greeted with the most amazing sound coming from my 4 years old nephew/godson running out front toward my car from the back of MIL's house screaming "titi, titi, titi you're here". I seriously did not expect that. Yes we Facetime often and I know he loves me but having him come running to me like that and give me a hug made me feel so special. It was like "Wow! this kid loves me!". I kid you not, it felt like a movie scene :)

2. Seeing SIL again after what felt an eternity. I mean it had only been one year, two months, three days, four hours and five minutes. Ha! just kidding, but close! It was funny because seeing her felt no different than when we talk on the phone or facetime except we were actually hugging. It was like she was never gone.
3. Having Prestyn (that's my nephew/godson) over our house for a "play date" with AJ. They played together, ate lunch together, fought over toys, took pictures, made messes, and so on but it was so nice and surreal having him at home playing with his cousin like normal cousins do. Usually when they facetime they ask each each other "whatchu doing? whatchu playing with? what's that? whatchu watching" over and over again hahaha.
4. So I took Prestyn with me to pick AJ up from daycare. I wanted to see both of their reaction when they saw each other for the first time, in real life, and omg it was not what I expected at all (link that to video). They just starred at each other like "what? you're here? your real? you're not inside an iPad?" hahaha, so funny. I had to tell them to hug before they actually leaned toward each other. I was expecting this loud "Prestyn! AJ!" but nope. Nothing. It was cool to get their reaction on camera though.
5. Bonding with both of my sisters-in-law. I love my Lola (hubby's sister) and the more I get to know Stephanie (BIL's girlfriend) the more I like her too. So we decided to plan a night out with just us three. We planned for appetizers and drinks at Brewworks but we ended up at Chilis. Just a little talking and a couple of drinks to make some bonding memories. It was low key and really nice. I can't speak for them but I did enjoy hanging out with them.

6. Being part of Lola's friend bridal shower, bachelorette party, and wedding. I was meant to be her "wing girl" but Lola don't don't need a wing girl, that girl has enough wing for herself and an entire team ;-P It was fun though and I've always enjoyed everything wedding related and seeing how other group of friends interact.

7. When Lola and I took the boys to Dorney Park for Boo Blast. I take my boys every year and hubby and I have been going since we were kids ourselves so adding that to the memories of our kids was priceless for me. Plus seeing the boys play and enjoy themselves together was the greatest feeling ever! Although Steven didn't enjoy himself as much as I would have liked :( I guess the age difference thing had a bit to do with it but thankfully hubby was able o make it up to him by taking him for Haunt Night at Dorney later in October.

8. The Pumpkin Patch. On Columbus Day we gathered all the kids (foster kids included) and headed over to the pumpkin patch. There we got tickets for some rides, took a hayride to the pumpkin patch, and took lots of pictures. Again this was more for tradition and to have the kids enjoy themselves than for anything else but it sure was fun.

9. A night out with friends. I was very hesitant about this night. For weeks I tried finding a way to get out of it because I really didn't want to go to a "club" but as the day neared the dancer part of me got more excited for it. Especially because it had been so long since I went out. I justified that outing in so many ways I couldn't even begin to tell you. All I could think about how I was going to regret it afterward but thankfully it was a really nice time out with friends and family and honestly I'm glad it happened. I was able to scratch an itch while at the same time realize that that's just not me anymore. I'm on to great and better things now :)

10. Getting a picture of my nieces and nephew to print and display in our home. The Sunday before Lola left she came over for brunch and my brother stopped by to dropped off the girls. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to capture one of sweetest moments in my life. It made me sad to have the newest addition to the clan be missing though and now this picture won't be as current as I would have like. Worse part is that I don't know when I'll have all my nieces and nephew together again under one roof. It may be years before that happens again :(
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