I can't believe how fast the year has passed by, this is insane! Although the weather is still bearable and the leaves on trees are just beginning to change color and fall off the changing of time today will make it official for me. Colder mornings and darker evenings, sigh not my liking but I must deal with it. I hope the winter ahead is not too bad, who am I kidding, I'm sure it'll be deadly.
On another note, just 20 days till we head out for our vacation in Puerto Rico and 10 work days for me :) I love having things to look forward to at the start of each month/work schedule. We are spending Thanksgiving there and this will be the first time in 10 years that we celebrate Thanksgiving away from MIL. However, it will be the first Thanksgiving we spend with SIL since like forever ago. I can already imagine the chaos of cooking dinner in a place that is not our home where we have every single dish and spice we need. Will we get dress up? Will we eat in our pajamas? Will we have a turkey? What will be on the menu? So many questions so little time. I'm so excited! Our last far away vacation was back in July 2014 when we visited SIL in California for July 4th week so we are way over due for another one. Plus, my boys need a little more beach time for the year ends. OMG it's almost the end of 2015! Eeeekk.
I'm ready though, I've had an unexplainable feeling about 2016 for a very long time and I am super excited to greet and live through 2016. In the meantime I'm planning to make these last 61 days of the year count! Bring on the Holidays, the most wonderful time of the year! :)
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