Thank You Mom

July 20, 2016

It doesn't have to be the first Sunday in May for me to appreciate how much I love my mother. The older I get and the deeper I'm involved in the role of  motherhood the more I understand how much my mom loves me. She did so much for me I when I was growing up, when I first became a mother, and even now. If it wasn't for my mom and her support in all my endeavor I probably wouldn't have made it this far.

Currently, at this stage of my life, as I pursue an education in the medical field while being a mom of two and playing the current role of a wife and part time employee she has been picking up the slack around the house with the cleaning. Some days I come home overwhelmed with brand new information that was introduced to my brain or simply stressed after studying for the back to back exams I have at the end of the week and the last thing I want to do is clean the dishes and sweep the floor covered in dog hair and it's like this wonderful lady reads my mind because on days like these I walk in to a freshly clean house. 

Other days she does my laundry as well as that of the rest of the family and as if that wasn't enough she folds it all for me! She folds my laundry guys!!! 

She will also take the kids to the park or to run errands with her to provide me some alone time to get school work done, after having watched my kiddos since the early morning. 

She cooks at least 3x a week for us. 

She'll babysit for us over the weekend either in the morning when hubby has to work or in the evenings for us to go out with friends or got us to have date nights.

But more importantly she provides me with the greatest love there is, the love of a parent to a child. She lets me vent to her, she makes me laugh, she takes me shopping, she gives me advice, and she continuously shows me how much she loves me with all the small gestures she does. 

Having my mother move in with us has been for sure a blessing and I don't think I could ever find the perfect gift  to give her as my token of appreciation. All I can do is say Thank You! and hope that somehow, someway she'll realize just how much I truly mean those words. 

I love you mom, I thank God for blessing me with a mom like you. XOXO 

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