Life Lately

July 21, 2012

This blog seem to be heading down the pregnancy/baby blogging route. I promise not to make my married life a baby blog but honestly my life is pretty boring right now aside from that excitement. Although is summer and I should be having the time of my life, all I've been doing is sleeping, eating, working, and sometimes...

Dear Baby

July 20, 2012

Today makes four months on this journey that we've been blessed with and every week you surprise me more and more. There has been lots of stress coming my way since before you decided to make a quiet appearance. Needless to say that I've been worry sick thinking the worse. Still you keep growing and growing, developing...

Week 15

July 18, 2012

How far along? 15 weeks Total weight gain/loss: -5 Maternity clothes? I'll be buying some maternity leggings this weekend :) Stretch marks? No new ones. Sleep: better. Best moment this week: belly finally popping out! Now I'm starting to really look pregnant. Have you told family and friends? Yes Miss Anything?...

Belly Books!

July 16, 2012

My two must have favorite books to have while pregnant are these two: 1. You're Going To Be My Mom by Astrid Rivera, M.D. 2. The Belly Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. This first one was a gift from my sister-in-law back during my first pregnancy. Is a 40 week devotional journal that gives you weekly talks like if it...

Week 14

July 12, 2012

I love this picture. It truly shows my tiny baby bump :) How far along? 14 weeks Total weight gain: gained a few but still in the negatives -1 Maternity clothes? Nope. Although I foresee some maternity leggins very soon. Stretch marks? No Sleep: much much better. Best moment this week: feeling my baby hiccups....

Food for your Soul

July 11, 2012

I've decided that from time to time I will post things out of my daily devotional readings that speaks to me. This is from day 67. "God's Word, the Bible, is His one love letter -- His one message -- to you. There are paragraphs where He gives you His thoughts on discipline; He talks about financial matters; there are...

13 Weeks

July 5, 2012

How far along? 13 weeks Total weight gain: -5 Maternity clothes? None but pants are a bit tight already. Stretch marks? No new ones ;) Sleep: I'm always tired so I sleep almost all day long. But there are times I only sleep 4 hrs after work which is no bueno! Then I end up napping here and there throughout the day....

Steven's Birth Story

July 1, 2012

It's been six years now although it feels like it was just yesterday that I was given the privilege to become a mother. Let's see how well my memory recalls such a special and amazing day. It was June 30th 2006 and the hubby and I had went to the movies to watch Click with Adam Sandler. I had been having contractions...