How far along? 20 wks 4 days (in this pic I'm 20:4)
Total weight gain/loss: +3
Maternity clothes? Still in the in between stage. I could probably use a belly band tho to keep my pants looking normal ;)
Stretch marks? No new ones. I keep reading that it doesn't matter whether or not you use cocoa butter as long as you moisturize your body, especially belly, well. That helps your skin stretch easier and prevent dryness which bring out the stretch marks since they really appear under the skin.
Sleep: If I am tired I fall asleep instantly otherwise it takes me awhile to fall out. On my nights off I either go to bed around 3am or lay in bed early just watching TV or playing with my phone. Most time I'm out by 3-4ish am.
Best moment this week: having our gender reveal party and finding out we are expecting a baby boy :) this was such an emotional day! (post coming soon)
Have you told family and friends? Yes
Miss Anything? Again I'm really missing my moms cooking. I can't wait for her to come back from DR next month. I Guarantee that I will be at her house every single day and will not cook for the rest of September :)
Have you started to show yet? Yes! I'm feeling more pregnant with each passing week. Is amazing all the changes that have happened in 5 short months and all the changes that still need to happen.
Movement: Yes! Especially when I lay on my back. Not that I do it often but sometimes I just need to. And it's great because whenever I want to feel movement all I have to do is lay on my back or put my colds hands on my belly lol. I'm sure baby AJ doesn't like that very much.
Food cravings: Not so much real food aside from my moms cooking but def sweets. I crave sweets all the time whether is ice cream, cake, a lollipop, etc. not so much chocolate or gum tho. But I try and keep it healthy by eating cookies and milk or a semi sweet cereal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Believe it or not my prenatal vitamins. Weird since I'm so far into this pregnant and it just started happening. With my son it made me sick really early on. O well like they say, each pregnancy is totally different.
Gender Predictions: so much for my girl predictions. We're having a boy!
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: same ol' headaches, fatigue, and a little bit of insomnia.
Belly Button in or out? Almost fully out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy of course!
Looking forward to: Viability mark! Just 3 more weeks s :

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