Steven's Moments

September 23, 2013

I meant to write this up right after it happened but I couldn't. I think I might of forgot to actually.  That son of mine is really something I tell you.  So last Thursday we are home waiting for daddy. My son is up in his room probably up to no good or doing something he's not suppose to be doing...

$50 Target Giveaway

September 23, 2013

It's been less than a year since I discovered how awesome target is. There was only one in my town and it was about 15 minutes away from me and in the 12 years I've lived here I'd never stepped foot inside. Then last year they built one less then 5 minutes away and boy had I been missing out. I love everything in it....

52 WOBWAP: A letter to my 16 year old self

September 23, 2013

Dear Pamela,  Girlfriend what do you think you're doing? You're only sixteen. Get yourself back home. Trust me, you'll be much better off if you do. Boys are not that important at this age. You shouldn't give them all your attention. Understand that you're in love with the idea of being in love. But you won't...

52 WOBWAP: High school back then

September 21, 2013

This was me. In 11th grade. Ooh high school, how much do I not miss you. Or maybe I do. Do I? You see. I wasn't that known in high school. Does that mean I wasn't popular? Yup! That's exactly what it means. I like to think it was because of my shyness. I wasn't the type to just walk-in in a classroom and start...

Adrian 8 Months

September 17, 2013

Little man, little man what a month this one has been. For starters let me just say that I appreciate all the love you have for me. Seeing your face light up after seeing me makes my heart jump with happiness. I'm sure you love to see daddy and big brother too but this bond, this bond that we've created just between...

Financial Advice For The Newly Engaged

September 16, 2013

I love talking wedding. Even more so when is about ours. Being able to think back and reminisce about those good ol' days. The stressing. The planning. The nerves. The outcome. So there was no surprise to my participation on this article being written up to help out the newly engaged. Hey, any opportunity I get to...

52 WOBWAP: A room within my childhood home

September 12, 2013

This topic has brought up some challenge to even start it up. For the simple reason that we moved a lot during my childhood. From Dominican Republic to New Jersey then New York and finally Pennsylvania. And even in PA we moved another 3 times before I moved out and started my own family.  As I started to dig...

Labor Day Weekend + Week + More Recap

September 8, 2013

Lately I've been horrible at document holiday weekends and things going on in our lives lately. Lets not even get into taking pictures. I have like no recent pictures on my iPhone. What is going on with me? maybe I'm just giving everyone a break because in just a couple of weeks I'll be worse then a paparazzi! Anywho,...

52 WOBWAP: What being a mother looks like

September 7, 2013

To me, being a mother are many things. Things that some may not even think can be possible. As teenagers and as we're growing we become these selfish people. Everything is about us and we only have to worry about ourselves. We work mainly to keep up with the trend. We want to look our best when we go out with our friends....

What's wrong with people?

September 5, 2013

It amazes me how people have so much time in their hands to be judgmental and make others miserable. Or try to at least. Instead of focusing on their lives, their kids, their friends and families they want to focus on yours and point out the bad and tell you how you should live YOUR life. For months now I've been...

52 WOBWAP: I said I'd never...

September 2, 2013

When we're young and child-less we can think of a hundred things we would never let our kids do or doourselves to our kids. Then you get pregnant, give birth, and become a mother and bam! All is forgotten.  For whatever reason, these are the things I said I'd never do... 1. Co-Sleep - from all the horror stories...