Vacationing with FIL is always so much fun. I say this because we get the best of two worlds. For starter, we get to enjoy the vacation by only having to deal with our two boys and second because he likes to eat (like me) which means lots of eating out and we go sightseeing a lot. At least that's always the case when we travel anywhere with him.
This year the husband thought that his dad would enjoy a trip to Ocean City, Maryland for his birthday and he was right. After he asked him how he felt about it he booked a two night stay in a double bed room at the Francis Scott Key Resort, our favorite place to stay in OC. This is how our weekend went.
Our alarm went off at 4am. The previous days were very busy and we didn't finish packing for our beach trip so the hubby and I divided tasks. He finished packing the things he needed and got himself and the boys ready while I got myself ready and packed everything else I thought the boys and I would need. One thing I have to admit about having boys is that they are the easiest to pack for when it comes to vacationing. Of course that depending on the age range it does get a bit challenging but at this age (2.5 and 9) and for this trip specifically all we needed for them were a few outfits, swimming shorts, towels, sandals/sneakers, underwear and diapers, and sun screen. On this trip Steven had his buggy board and AJ got sand castle buckets and pail. See, it can't get easier than that :)

By 5:30am we were on our way to pick up FIL and his wife. When we got to their house they were waiting outside for us. Apparently they were up since 4am and even made a DD run before we got there. They put their bags in our car and I decided to sit with Steven on the third row of hubby's truck. AJ and Sonia sat together on the second row and hubby and his dad sat in the front seats. I thought that by me sitting on the last row it would give everyone enough room to change positions during the trip. Well, as per my son it was the worse ride of his life. We made a quick stop at McDs for breakfast sandwiches and coffee and being that I was super tired I decided to fall asleep after eating. I slept the entire way there. Again per my son, I'm a bad car sleeper and not only was I snoring but I also used him as a cushion for my head and legs. Needless to say that he was awake the entire ride and after we arrived in OC he never sat on the back row with me again. Not at all. I found it funny when we were leaving the beach later that morning that he pulled forward the seat and told me to get in first. Then he pushed the seat back into place and got himself in between AJ and Sonia. I asked him why he sat there and that's when he told me about his horrible ride experience seating with me. Jajaja

We arrived at OC at 8:30am and that was way too early to check in at the resort. So we parked on 6th Ave and walked on over to the beach. Steven and the boys changed into their swimming shorts in the car and put on sunscreen while we grabbed the beach tent, towels, and 2 chairs. That's the only thing I forgot, our beach chairs so for the entire weekend we only had 2 instead of 5. We headed to the beach and made a stop at DD for a bathroom run, more coffee, and sandwiches. I had their frozen caramel colatta for the first time and it was delicious! So good but way too big. I drank most of it. We hung out on their little seating area just chit chatting for almost an hour before setting up at the beach. I thought to myself that this was going to be a relaxing vacation for sure. I had no doubt of it.

It didn't take long before hubby and Steven took advantage of the warm weather to start enjoying themselves. They headed right to the water while AJ played with the sand, FIL slept like a King, Sonia played games in her iPad, and I laid down for what I hoped would be a nice reading/nap session but of course I spent most of my time snapping pictures, texting, and playing with AJ. After a little while AJ wanted to go to the water so I took advantage to take some more pictures.
A little after noon we decided to gather our things and head on over to the resort to check in and eat lunch. Lucky for us our room was ready earlier than 3pm so they gave us the keys right away. After settling in the hubby and FIL went out to buy lunch. We were in the mood for chicken and potatoes wedges from a near by gas station/food stop. I am drawing a blank here trying to remember the name of the place but boy is their chicken good. I think it took longer to pick it up than what it lasted in the room. After lunch we walked over to the outside pool. Surprisingly this time I was all over that water. But to be fair I think the weather was a lot warmer than back in June. This time around in OC the temperature was in the 90s. HOT! Then while hubby was in the hot tub and FIL and Sonia went to the room I took the boys miniature golfing which is alongside the pool. That was interesting and harder than I thought. I've only done it once or twice before and that was many many years ago. AJ of course was obsessed with the balls and had his own little game going on in between ours. Then I kept on missing the hole and I'm sure the kids behind us thought I sucked bad since they had to wait for me every time. At the end AJ had a tantrum because the last hole kept the balls and he wanted his balls! It took a lot of convincing to take him away and have him return his "stick".

Many hours later we headed back to the room to shower and go over to the boardwalk for some walking, pizza, and ice cream! I find it funny how much we remember about this place. There were so many places that brought back memories as far back as 2005 when I first started dating the hubby. So many different hotels we stood at before finding this one, so many restaurant we ate at, so many birthdays celebrated here, and the people we've come with.This place is like a second home :)

This night after eating some delicious pizza and wings we walked from 17th Ave past over 1st Ave and back again to 17th Ave. On our way back we stopped at Basket Robins for some yummy ice cream. Various times over our walk we stopped to take pictures with some "Disney Characters" and to hear boardwalk musicians sing/play the guitar, etc. By 11pm we were back in our room ready for bed. It was a very long and eventful first day back at OCMD.
This year the husband thought that his dad would enjoy a trip to Ocean City, Maryland for his birthday and he was right. After he asked him how he felt about it he booked a two night stay in a double bed room at the Francis Scott Key Resort, our favorite place to stay in OC. This is how our weekend went.
Our alarm went off at 4am. The previous days were very busy and we didn't finish packing for our beach trip so the hubby and I divided tasks. He finished packing the things he needed and got himself and the boys ready while I got myself ready and packed everything else I thought the boys and I would need. One thing I have to admit about having boys is that they are the easiest to pack for when it comes to vacationing. Of course that depending on the age range it does get a bit challenging but at this age (2.5 and 9) and for this trip specifically all we needed for them were a few outfits, swimming shorts, towels, sandals/sneakers, underwear and diapers, and sun screen. On this trip Steven had his buggy board and AJ got sand castle buckets and pail. See, it can't get easier than that :)

By 5:30am we were on our way to pick up FIL and his wife. When we got to their house they were waiting outside for us. Apparently they were up since 4am and even made a DD run before we got there. They put their bags in our car and I decided to sit with Steven on the third row of hubby's truck. AJ and Sonia sat together on the second row and hubby and his dad sat in the front seats. I thought that by me sitting on the last row it would give everyone enough room to change positions during the trip. Well, as per my son it was the worse ride of his life. We made a quick stop at McDs for breakfast sandwiches and coffee and being that I was super tired I decided to fall asleep after eating. I slept the entire way there. Again per my son, I'm a bad car sleeper and not only was I snoring but I also used him as a cushion for my head and legs. Needless to say that he was awake the entire ride and after we arrived in OC he never sat on the back row with me again. Not at all. I found it funny when we were leaving the beach later that morning that he pulled forward the seat and told me to get in first. Then he pushed the seat back into place and got himself in between AJ and Sonia. I asked him why he sat there and that's when he told me about his horrible ride experience seating with me. Jajaja

We arrived at OC at 8:30am and that was way too early to check in at the resort. So we parked on 6th Ave and walked on over to the beach. Steven and the boys changed into their swimming shorts in the car and put on sunscreen while we grabbed the beach tent, towels, and 2 chairs. That's the only thing I forgot, our beach chairs so for the entire weekend we only had 2 instead of 5. We headed to the beach and made a stop at DD for a bathroom run, more coffee, and sandwiches. I had their frozen caramel colatta for the first time and it was delicious! So good but way too big. I drank most of it. We hung out on their little seating area just chit chatting for almost an hour before setting up at the beach. I thought to myself that this was going to be a relaxing vacation for sure. I had no doubt of it.

It didn't take long before hubby and Steven took advantage of the warm weather to start enjoying themselves. They headed right to the water while AJ played with the sand, FIL slept like a King, Sonia played games in her iPad, and I laid down for what I hoped would be a nice reading/nap session but of course I spent most of my time snapping pictures, texting, and playing with AJ. After a little while AJ wanted to go to the water so I took advantage to take some more pictures.
A little after noon we decided to gather our things and head on over to the resort to check in and eat lunch. Lucky for us our room was ready earlier than 3pm so they gave us the keys right away. After settling in the hubby and FIL went out to buy lunch. We were in the mood for chicken and potatoes wedges from a near by gas station/food stop. I am drawing a blank here trying to remember the name of the place but boy is their chicken good. I think it took longer to pick it up than what it lasted in the room. After lunch we walked over to the outside pool. Surprisingly this time I was all over that water. But to be fair I think the weather was a lot warmer than back in June. This time around in OC the temperature was in the 90s. HOT! Then while hubby was in the hot tub and FIL and Sonia went to the room I took the boys miniature golfing which is alongside the pool. That was interesting and harder than I thought. I've only done it once or twice before and that was many many years ago. AJ of course was obsessed with the balls and had his own little game going on in between ours. Then I kept on missing the hole and I'm sure the kids behind us thought I sucked bad since they had to wait for me every time. At the end AJ had a tantrum because the last hole kept the balls and he wanted his balls! It took a lot of convincing to take him away and have him return his "stick".

Many hours later we headed back to the room to shower and go over to the boardwalk for some walking, pizza, and ice cream! I find it funny how much we remember about this place. There were so many places that brought back memories as far back as 2005 when I first started dating the hubby. So many different hotels we stood at before finding this one, so many restaurant we ate at, so many birthdays celebrated here, and the people we've come with.This place is like a second home :)

This night after eating some delicious pizza and wings we walked from 17th Ave past over 1st Ave and back again to 17th Ave. On our way back we stopped at Basket Robins for some yummy ice cream. Various times over our walk we stopped to take pictures with some "Disney Characters" and to hear boardwalk musicians sing/play the guitar, etc. By 11pm we were back in our room ready for bed. It was a very long and eventful first day back at OCMD.

I was obsessed with the ocean and moon this time around
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