It's bittersweet to realize that this child of mine has started the 4th grade. I mean I remember clearly the details of his birth and even when he was just a tiny toddler, about 7 years ago. With his new journey I also can't help but to feel nostalgic since it was exactly 19 years ago that I came to the States and started school in the 4th grade. I remember my experience as a young Spanish speaking child trying to learn the language and the materials being taught. Now thinking back I realize that it wasn't the material that was hard, it was learning it while not knowing the language. It was tough. But enough about me, back to my fourth grader.

Oh Steven, having you start the fourth grade has not been easy for me (or your brother). I'm constantly expecting so much from you that sometimes I forget that you are still only a child and you are not me. I was force to grow up faster than I would have liked from my childhood and I always told myself it would be different for my kids but it hasn't been. I like to say that I blame my expectations on your size, you are almost as tall as me and the way you express yourself, yet at the same time your maturity level is not as high as I like to believe it is making you just what you are, a child. Now that I have that drilled into my head I hope to take it a bit easier on you and I hope this school year become one of the best one yet.

He was that upset to see upu walk away into a "building"
You are so smart and know a lot more than what you give yourself credit for. I don't like that you don't realize all that you are capable of doing but hopefully it won't take long for you to see it too.
You made it through the first week just fine. Your enthusiasm about the things you will get to learn this year is priceless. I wish you the best on your journey through the fourth grade my child. I love you more than the world will ever know.
Good Luck!
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