Word of the year: Confidence

January 10, 2021

2021, the year of continued hope, confidence, and courage. 


2020 was an interesting year. Ending my nursing career at the hospital where I had been at for over 12 years, to being quarantined and adjusting to being a full-time stay at home mommy, to being at my heaviest ever while not pregnant, and being worried, scared, and full of uncertainties for the year ahead. It was a combination of so many different emotions. However, we made it! I am thankful that my little family and extended family had no health issues related to Covid-19 (as far as we are concerned), we didn't suffer financial struggle, and we were able to get together several times throughout the year. This year taught me the importance of family and close friends. 

So, I entered 2021 with a grateful heart for all the good I had experienced even while in the middle of a pandemic. At the same time, 2020 will be the year I remember as the year of testimonies. Although I haven't set goals/resolutions in several years now, this year I want to work on being more carefree, not caring about what others think, practicing self-care, being more present at the moment while worrying less about the future, and overcoming my fears. This brings me to my word of the year. Confidence. 

Confidence, defined as "a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities."

Of course, I value myself, yet it doesn't change the fact the situations over the years, including 2020, have affected that confidence. Therefore, my goal for the year is to be mindful of my abilities and qualities as a woman, wife, mother, nurse, daughter, sister, and friend. I can not predict what this year has in store for us. And I know that not stressing too much about it will be a challenge, but I am determined to turn the page, have faith, and trust God.

Wishing you all a very joyful and prosperous New Year!

Past Words of the Year:
2015 Grace
2016 Faith
2017 Healing 
2018 Patience

2019 Joy

2020 Hope

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