Last weekend we headed down to Jersey to visit one of hubby's cousin who was having a birthday party for her three year old baby girl. We got there pretty late in the afternoon but just in time for games and cake.
It just so happened that that dear cousin was giving out goldfish pets as prices. (What on earth?) I saw them spread around the cake table and I thought it was part of the decoration. But when my son came running in saying "mom! mom! I won, I won. I get to take home a goldfish". I was in a bit of shock and I knew there was going to be some conflict knowing that his father would never allow him to take home a fish in a bowl full of water in his brand new truck. Especially when we had an hour and a half drive back home. And just like I predicted many tears were shed when it was time to go. My son was not having it. He wanted to take his fish home and that was it. And his father was not having it either. Oh boy.
Finally, at what seemed like an hour later we came to an agreement. The fish would go in a Ziploc bag in the front seat with me as well as the fish bowl. Thankfully everyone came out winning and just like that my big boy became the proud owner of his first pet. A goldfish. I mean yes we have a family dog but is not his own own you know. This goldfish which he name Goldie by the way stays in his room. He's responsible for feeding him and helping with the water changes. I hope this is the beginning of learning responsibilities for him. But for now, he's just enjoying his Goldie.

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