I remember being little and living in the Dominican Republic where my mother and father would have my brother and I put grass and water under our beds the night of January 5th for the 3 kings and their camels. On the morning of January 6th we would wake up to find the grass and water gone and gifts under our beds. I loved this tradition but unfortunately after relocating to the states my mother didn't keep up with it.
For several years now I've been trying to turn it into my own family tradition and every year I fail because I forget. This morning I remembered, too late to put grass under the bed of course, but I remembered and memories of my childhood came to mind.
After running some errands I went to bed. When I awoke I had the best gift I've ever received on the 3 Kings Day. A message from our fabulous wedding photographer, Julia Azcona, telling me that she had submitted our wedding to Destination Inspiration and that it was approved. We will be featured next week!
I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought that I was still deep asleep. I rubbed my eyes and noticed Steven walk in the room and come over and kiss me. When I realized I wasn't dreaming I checked the message again and shared the news with my husband.
This was awesome! The year has started off really good for me and to have received this amazing news today makes it even better. I felt like a child waking up on 3 Kings Day and finding gifts under the bed. I want for my son to have the same feeling as I did as a child myself and today so next year I will not forget to put water and grass under his bed and start off this tradition. I will also be educating him on the real meaning of the day and how the 3 Kings are involved in the birth of baby Jesus.
Did your family follow this tradition? What other traditions do you have?
Happy 3 Kings Day!

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