I first got the idea from Heather over at Heather Drive. She did something similar but instead of revealing the gender she revealed her pregnancy to her family. It was so neat! I thought of doing that but it didn't work out like that. The way we found out was totally unexpected but MIL said she new something was up with me because I was acting "weird" and I was sleeping too much.
I played with the idea of keeping the whole gender a surprise until the big day but that idea wasn't flying with the hubby nor anyone else for that matter. So I decided to do the gender reveal instead. A friend had done it last year and when we found out about the pregnancy I did a bit more research into it.
Months passed and we waited for the big ultrasound where we would ask the tech to not tell us the news but instead write it and seal it inside an envelope. Our ultrasound was done a Friday at exactly 20 weeks and we planned the big reveal for the Sunday after. I was a nervous wreck thinking about the possibility of this little munchkin not showing its boy/girl parts. Thankfully he did and we proceeded as planned :)
I didn't want to pack the house with a bunch of decor so I kept it simple with a blue and pink theme on the table and a few soft colors tissue pom poms.
I made DIY invites from other invites ideas I found on the web. Those were handed out between 2 and 3 weeks before the party.
I made a boy or girl banner out of cut out onesies from card stock and attached a long piece of ribbon through small holes I made with a punch hole.
I tried my hands at DIY tissue pom poms and I loved the way they turned out. Not too bad for my first time if you ask me :) I used those for the entrance and in each side of the banner.
The cake was ordered the same day as the ultrasound from ColdStone bakery. It was a combination of yellow cake and ice cream that would be flavored strawberry for girl or cotton candy blue for boy. To my surprise MIL brought a prediction cake with what she thought we were having. It was pretty cool because we cut that one first then our reveal cake. Surprise surprise!
And for god sakes lets not leave behind the food and souvenirs. Anyone that knows a Hispanic person knows that food and music are big parts of a party ;) I didn't have music tho, kind of slip my mind... Oops. But the food was a hit! I don't have pictures of the rice or salad since those were the last things to be put out.
We served guava patelillos and small hot dog wraps and guava and cheese with crackers as appetizers. A taco dip I found on Pinterest. Salad with options of 3 dressings. Peruvian rice which is basically rice with chicken breast pieces, soy sauce, eggs, and scallion mixed together, yum! We also had a chocolate fountain with fruits. For drinks we served several flavors of soda, some beer, and a punch I made up really quick and that turned out to be a hit as well.
Some of the guests going after the food :)
Some games were played and then people were getting anxious!!! Lol so we headed for the cake right away.
I cut the prediction cake which revealed girl and we had our son cut the reveal cake with a little help from me. I have to admit it was an emotional party/day. We all wanted girl. The games revealed girl. My horrible morning sickness and mood swings pointed to girl. And at the end of it all our baby had us fooled. He was a boy all along lol.
I love baby AJ (full name won't be reveal until the birth date) but I admit to getting watery eyes once I saw the reflection of blue on the knife. I just kept cutting and cutting hoping for some pink while the flash from cameras kept going off. Kind of funny when you think about it know. lol.
We had a big turn out of people show up and we felt very loved by everyone who came. Especially those who traveled hours to get there so especial thanks, even if its months later, goes to our dear friends Gabriel and Caritza from GT Modern Creations and Laura and Dave fellow bride. You guys rock and take over a special part in our hearts. We will always be thankful to have you as friends in our lives.
If I was to do it over I wouldn't change a thing. Not even putting music in my priority list ;) so there you have it. Our gender reveal in all of its glory. I feel bad that it took me so long to blog about it but hey, like my momma says "better late then never" ;)
I hope you enjoyed reading about it and this serves for a guide for those of you planning a gender reveal. There'll be another post to follow with our famous souvenir and the games we played since this got to be too long already.

The invites!
Front decor
DIY onesie banner
DH got this from his job. It worked out perfectly :)
Prediction cake MIL made
Both cakes
The cupcakes our friends from NY brought us. They were delicious!
The cutting
And it's blue!
A dear friend and I
This envelope contained the results. It was giving to me at the appointment.
It's A Boy! (after everyone left I ran to the room to get this and see it for myself that the bakery had made no mistakes lol.
Happy Hump Day!
1 comment
Aww Pammy, such an emotional day. I love how anxious you were, but I am so happy that you are being blessed with another little boy :) That girl still has time to show up later on :)