Adrian 9 Months

October 31, 2013

Sweet Adrian.  As I sit here with you on my lap trying to fed I realize that its been nine months since your birth already. How big you've gotten my boy. I am so proud to have made it this far with breastfeeding. As you reach up and rub the side of my cheek. Then pinch my lips while you stare into my eyes probably...

52 WOBWAP: A Letter To The Newlyweds

October 28, 2013

Over the past year or so I've written posts that can go on to relate to a newlywed letter such as what this topic should be like. I encourage to look through them. So today's topic will be a short one.  Marriage is hard. I'm sure you've heard that many times. But have you also heard that is totally worth...

Life Lately

October 24, 2013

So I've been slacking lately. Well, more like busy. Tired. Overwhelmed.  After we got back from our trip I've been trying to keep up with laundry. Our washer is being funky and  is not draining our clothes completely so then when it stops everything is still soaked and I end up doing it by hand. Do you know...

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

October 24, 2013

The easiest recipe I own. Not Only that but it is healthy and in my case it helps with lactation.  Oats is said to be a milk enhancer. And I can vouch for that. Ever since my supply issues back as early as 8 weeks postpartum I've been including quick oats in my everyday diet. Whether is your traditional oatmeal...

52 WOBWAP: My strength & weakness in my marriage

October 21, 2013

I think we can all agree in the simple fact that not all marriages are perfect. No?  Some are definitely better then others but we all share our fair amount of strengths and weaknesses within our marriage. Generally we have an idea of what a marriage should be like, consist of, and so forth but like...

52 WOBWAP: Random facts about my Hubby

October 20, 2013

For some odd reason I thought this was going to be hard to come up with. Random facts? Where do I even begin. I started to jot down little things about the hubby and before I knew it I had cover 15 random facts about him. Now these may not all be random but one thing I've realized is that if I was verbally describing...

DIY: Pregnant Skeleton/Halloween 2012

October 15, 2013

Every year for Halloween we get invited to a few parties. So we prepare early when it comes to our outfits. This Halloween however we didn't know of anyone having a party. And being that our son don't like to go out treat-or-treating and that I was pregnant we kind of brushed it off altogether. The week of October...

TBT: Making Memories

October 10, 2013

Earlier in August my mother and I were shopping. We ended up in my aunts house visiting and my cousin's baby was there. Having my son and niece with us I decided to take a picture of them three since they're hardly together and I couldn't help but to think about those random pictures I often come across either in my baby...