So I've been slacking lately. Well, more like busy. Tired. Overwhelmed.
After we got back from our trip I've been trying to keep up with laundry. Our washer is being funky and is not draining our clothes completely so then when it stops everything is still soaked and I end up doing it by hand. Do you know how hard it is to wring clothes, specifically towels? What an arm workout that it. And as if that doesn't such enough our drier gave up on us thanks to my sister for over stuffing it one day. So then I wash clothes at home and dry either at my moms or MIL. Then to bring everything back home. This just makes me hate laundry day even more.
Last weekend we had an eventful one. We had birthday parties to attend and we went apple picking and to the pumping patch.
This one had a great time picking the apples off of the tree.
While this one had a great time eating the apples with daddy that his brother picked.

Then we headed for Halloweekend at Dorney Park for the day where they had a petting zoo and the Lama robbed Steven hahaha.
Steven jr and I started fall decorating around the house. Now that our vacation is over I'm ready to let go of summer and welcome the Fall/Holidays
I had a girls night with my right hand Chica. I had all the fun and she got stuck taking care of me jejeje. Haven't done that in awhile. I couldn't stop giggling all night. And I only had 2 Cosmos. #Rookie

We're getting new furniture and appliances. Yayyy! Is been a long time waiting and a much needed upgrade.
My little man got his bottom two teeth. Finally! More in that on his 10th month post.
I haven't even posted his 9th month post yet. Oh dear.
I'm loaded with tomatoes. I have so many that I don't even know what to do with them. I keep giving them away and more keep showing. What's going on? Is this suppose to happen? Oh you didn't know I started a small garden in my backyard this past Spring? I guess this just mean I'll have to blog about it then ;)
Remember my post with financial advice for the newly engaged? Well late last month, while we were on vacation, the article was released. Great great great information. I wish I would have found something like this when I was planning our wedding. It would of had prevented many headaches. If not for me for my brother and I'm glad all the people who participated were able to share their advice for the new generation of wedding planning.
If you're newly engaged and planing a wedding, know someone who's planning a wedding and would benefit from these tips, simple just want to gain some information for the future I say go check it out and bookmark it.
Apple picking is something I've always wanted to do but we don't have any orchards around here. Congrats on the two new baby teeth! As far as the tomatoes I say lots and lots of salsa or tomato puree, you can them or freeze them.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea for the tomatoes. Thank you! That really sucks that you have no orchard around. Is so much fun!