I haven't mentioned it but this is one of those memories that will probably fade with time or may stick around for years on end.
When my Steven was born he had the pointiest lips. It reminded me of the movie chicken little. At some point during his newborn days I started to call him "chicken little". Is it just me or do we as parents tend to call our brand new baby tons of sweet name until one just so happens to stick with him/her?
Well this one stuck. And almost 8 years later it's still around.
Months later chicken little was translated to pollito. Which means the same thing but in Spanish. We would call him our pollito for everything and would even incorporate it into rhymes and songs. I'm almost positive grandma Zori started that trend. I never thought anything of it till the last year or so when I called him that in a public place and someone asked me "Did you just called him chicken little?" I answered yes, we laughed about it and that was the end. Later that day I thought about what had happened earlier. It was no big deal but did I really want my son to be known as or called chicken little for the rest of his life? I didn't think it was a big deal back in 2006 but today is a different story.
Over the years as Steven grew his nickname also evolved and grew with him. No one called him Steven, it was always pollito. He knew what his name was but he liked to be call pollo. I remember times when we would be places and someone would ask him what his name was and he would flat out say pollito. Around 4 years old he gave himself the name Pollo because according to him pollito meant that he was little and now he was a big boy so he requested that we all call him Pollo. Within the same year the name evolved to Pollo Loco, crazy chicken. I don't know why he came up with that or how but it stuck. We'd come home from work etc and say "Hi pollo loco, how was your day?"
This little part has nothing to do with the title of this post but I want to record it somewhere and what better place then here. Also around age 4 he had an obsession with Spider-man and all things superhero. For sometime he was known as pollolocospidermanbatmansupermanironman (insert last name here), did you catch all that? And I'm not exaggerating. To everyone that is anyone that's what my beloved son would say his name was. It's so funny the things kids come up with.
Now he's more obsessed with Wolf and Vampires and likes to be called Stephen Salvatore. But that's a story for another day.
Oh Steven. If you only knew how much better you have made my life. I love you son!

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