Farewell 2015

December 31, 2015

I can't even begin to describe what kind of year 2015 has been. So many ups, so many down, and so many in between moments occurred but I'm thankful to have made it through the year with my health and sanity intact. More than anything 2015 was a year of growth. Personal growth. I have learned so much about me, life,...

December Update

December 27, 2015

We returned from our trip on December 2nd and from that moment on it was all about getting into the holiday spirit. I had off from work the following day and as soon as I dropped off the kids at school I headed to the store. My only intention was to pick up some red and gold ornament balls because I had lend...

The scariest experience of my life

November 30, 2015

It was four days into our vacation. A Tuesday if I recall correctly. We had plans to go to a new beach with my husbands uncle but after driving there we found out the beach was closed. How that happens on a tropical island I have no idea but it makes sense since it was the week of thanksgiving and the "winter season".  After...

Even on vacation I can't scape the trials

November 29, 2015

How is it possible that even when I find myself in the middle of a beautiful place surrounded by so much beauty somehow life manages to kick me down. I have to admit, I'm sure I let the enemy in my head at some point but when things continue to happen over and over and over again is hard to believe that that is God's hand...

Breakfast Oatmeal Drink ~ Avena Caliente

November 7, 2015

This is one of my favorite breakfast drinks from my childhood. I remember my mom or grandma making this for all the kids and serving it in a mug with a piece of bread in the mornings. Last time I had this was in 2014 when we traveled to DR for my moms wedding. I had asked her best friend/our aunt to make us Avena...

October '15 Staycation

November 3, 2015

This was a much need staycation from my part. I was able to actually relax, do school work, do things around the house, bond with my mom, and spend time with my family. Having my SIL in town is always nice but it also feels like her agenda gets too full before she even arrives to town. Almost every trip she has made...

Hello Sweet November!

November 1, 2015

I can't believe how fast the year has passed by, this is insane! Although the weather is still bearable and the leaves on trees are just beginning to change color and fall off the changing of time today will make it official for me. Colder mornings and darker evenings, sigh not my liking but I must...

Potty Training AJ

October 29, 2015

This journey feels never ending. We started potty training back in May when AJ was only 28 months because I remembered being told that boys are a lot harder than girls to potty trained. When we potty trained Steven I don't remember it taking this long. I don't recall exactly how long it took or the details...

Social Media Vent

October 15, 2015

So. I'm deleting my Instagram. I've had it on my mind for a very long time now and it was the first thing I jotted down when I was making my 30 before 30 list. I was planning on staying away from social media for at least a year. But then something happened. Again. I wrote about it here a while back too. Someone is sending...

Mom moves in/Basement Reno

October 9, 2015

A couple of months ago my mother came to me with an idea. She said, "so, I'm not renewing my lease at the apartment again. I was thinking that instead of paying rent I could finish your basement for you and turn your storage room in the basement into a bedroom. What do you think? Will Steven be ok with that?"  She...

Hello Autumn!

October 5, 2015

I am so excited for the adventures that are coming this season. On top of this being my all time favorite season, from the cool weather to everything pumpkin flavored, we have lots of things going on on the weeks ahead. My SIL Lola is coming to town for a couple of weeks with her four years old son. That means...

Christianity vs Earthly Desires: My Confessions

September 24, 2015

Four year ago I decided to change my lifestyle. I decided that it was time to grow up and focus on my family and new life as a new wife. For you to understand me you need to know a little more about me and my dark past. Ok so is not that dark, just a little grey. You see, I've always enjoyed parties and dancing....

Oh Summer...

September 22, 2015

You have been a great one. The best one compared to the last 4. It was wonderful having you around and I am sad to see you go. Although Autumn is my favorite season it'll have to climb high to top you off. :)You came around and brought new life, a precious baby girl was welcomed by my brother and his girlfriend making...

OCMD 2015 Part 2: Day 1

September 19, 2015

Vacationing with FIL is always so much fun. I say this because we get the best of two worlds. For starter, we get to enjoy the vacation by only having to deal with our two boys and second because he likes to eat (like me) which means lots of eating out and we go sightseeing a lot. At least that's always the...

Steven Goes to 4th Grade

September 17, 2015

It's bittersweet to realize that this child of mine has started the 4th grade. I mean I remember clearly the details of his birth and even when he was just a tiny toddler, about 7 years ago. With his new journey I also can't help but to feel nostalgic since it was exactly 19 years ago that I came to the States and...

OCMD 2015 Part 1: Day 4

September 14, 2015

So I'm finally finishing up our last day of our first trip to OCMD. And that my friend is why I don't document vacations, because I can't never keep up with them. But then I read other bloggers vacation posts which are extremely detailed like Julia's here and I wish I had the time, energy, and motivation...