37 Weeks

December 21, 2012

Photo Thoughts: I feel really big. Like this belly just popped out of nowhere. It went from perfect and round at 34 weeks to just all over the place at 37. It's amazing how much change can happen is a few weeks. Weight Gain/Loss: +29 ok so I'm freaking out a bit. I mean come on I'm pushing 30lbs here with 3 weeks to...

Hospital Bag

December 16, 2012

At 37 weeks and as anxious as I am to have my sweet baby make his big debut you would think I would have my bags packed and ready to go right? Yea, not exactly. I've been waiting for several reasons. One, what the heck do I pack? Two, I needed to do some research. And three, I was waiting for the semester to end because...

36 Weeks

December 14, 2012

Photo Thoughts: who am I kidding, I look huge. Kinda like a pregnant snake lol skinny everywhere with this huge belly just popping out. Weight Gain/Loss: +27 so far. I have to admit that I've been eating a lot. My appetite has increased like crazy and I don't know why since I was told and have read that usually toward...

35 Weeks

December 7, 2012

35 weeks down and 35 days to go. Well technically there's 28 days to go as of today :) Photo Thoughts: that's all baby people. I'm confident and no one can tell me otherwise. I have a picture at nine months with my son and I was way bigger even my face look like a ball. And by the looks of it this baby might just be...

Confessions Wednesday

December 5, 2012

Today I bring you a list of confessions Wednesday because I have lots on my mind. 1. I'm a BIG procrastinator- although I've always played it off by saying that I just work better under pressure. However, after realizing that there's only 1 week left of classes and I have 10 assignments due there just isn't a better...

Dear Baby

December 4, 2012

The anticipation of meeting you is killing me. Today is December 4th, exactly 30 days from the due date the doctors gave us for you. I really hope you come before then. Maybe right after Christmas but before New Years. Of course that I will wait until you are ready to make your debut. 4 more full week won't kill me, but...

Our Home - First Level

November 30, 2012

This post is way over due. So here it is. Our home sweet home. As you may recall we were blessed with this house out of the blue. It was certainly not what we had in mind at all but definitely a starter home. Which soon we came to realize that the best way to someday buy our dream home is to start off at a starter home...

34 Weeks

November 28, 2012

Photo Thoughts: I'm loving how well rounded and perfect my belly is looking. I don't know I may be biased but I'm feeling really darn sexy hahaha. Weight Gain/Loss: +21 no change this week. I had a stomach virus and I actually lost a few ounces. Cravings: I'm back to craving sweets. Omg how much I love sweets....

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2012

Today I am thankful for being able to host my very first Thanksgiving in our new home and to be able to see both of my family together in the same house. That brought a lot of joy to me. There are many things that are not the way I want them to be but one thing I can say is that I am thankful for being alive and healthy,...

33 Weeks

November 22, 2012

Photo Thoughts: I sayI look bigger this week due to the Thanksgiving dinner I had today jejeje Weight Gain/Loss: +21 not too bad I suppose. With 7 weeks to go and 25-30lb weight mark I think I'm doing pretty darn good. Especially after the rough beginning. Cravings: Pork. After the baby shower my taste buds were...

32 Weeks

November 19, 2012

A bit late but what else is new. Photo Thoughts: first off the the heck is a jicama? Since I had no idea nor where to buy it (I would of probably had some luck going to the market) I had to settle using a picture from google. Boo! Weight Gain/Loss: +19 that's 4lbs in almost 2 weeks. Umm not cool Pammy. Easy it...

31 Weeks

November 8, 2012

These weekly posts have been getting somewhat boring for me. I don't know if its the repetitive questions, that I honestly have nothing exciting to say, the busy-ness of every day life, etc. So I thought I'd change it up a bit for the weeks to follow and the last trimester. I'm going to start posting these updates either...

Some changes are coming!

November 6, 2012

To the blog that is. With the family growing and all I thought it would be nice to change the picture on the header and change the look in total. For the next few months you'll be noticing different views or layouts until I find something I really like. Nothing will be finalized until baby AJ comes but I'm sure it'll take...

29 & 30 Weeks

October 30, 2012

How far along? 29 & 30 weeks Total weight gain/loss: +13 Maternity clothes? Not really. My new best friends are yoga pants though. Omg are they comfortable. I should of bought this months ago. If only I could wear them to work. Stretch marks? Nada Sleep: Still blah. And there's too much going on this weekend for...

Maternity Shoot Teasers

October 29, 2012

What a great start to my week. Yesterday we did a maternity shoot at our place with awesome photographers in our area. It took quite some time because I had lots of inspiration pictures from Pinterest and as awesome as they are they did them all for me. I felt so loved :) I wake up this morning with tons of notifications...

Past Halloween Costumes

October 26, 2012

I've been pretty unsteady when it comes to posting holidays posts this year. Hopefully with all the time on my hands I'll have starting next month it'll get much better. For now let's reminisce on past Halloween outfits. What brought the walk down memory lane? Well for starters looking for something to wear this weekend...

DIY: Our Family Map

October 26, 2012

Earlier this year I talked about some DIY projects I wanted to do and this one is one of them.  I saw this a lot on the web after we got married and I couldn't wait to get started one it. They call it the "Newlywed Map" but I use it as a family map and use different color tacks to differentiate between couple...